15 questions with Robert Shore of GAN

15 questions with Robert Shore of GAN

In a Q&A with IR Magazine, Robert Shore talks about his career path, his current role and investors’ expectations in the gaming industry

Robert Shore has served as the vice president of investor relations at Nasdaq-listed iGaming company Game Account Network (GAN) since 2021. Prior to joining GAN, Shore worked as a senior director of corporate finance and investor relations at gaming company Scientific Games.

1.  How long have you been in IR?

Nearly six years. 

2.  What did you do before IR? 

I worked on sell-side equity research covering the gaming industry for more than 10 years. I began my career working in gaming in Atlantic City.

3. What are your qualifications? 

My years on the sell side prepared me well for IR in terms of understanding financial models, communicating a story and establishing a relationship with institutional investors, among other things.

4. How is your team set up? 

GAN is a small-cap company and I’m a one-person team at the moment. I am also heavily involved in other aspects of finance and strategy. That said, I heavily leverage all aspects of our organization because IR is really an integration of many functions.

5. How will your background help you tackle the challenges in your new role?

Sometimes IR is about hand-holding investors [to explain that] the management team has a plan and will successfully navigate challenges. My relationship with investors, alongside my industry experience going through different cycles, hopefully provides some comfort.

6. What are the plans for your company’s IR program in 2023?

To improve visibility for our investment story either through increased sell-side coverage, social media, or other materials such as teach-in decks for investors who may be new to the company.

7. Do you use social media as part of your IR program?

Yes, we post on LinkedIn and a few other platforms about our company achievements and related content. Social media is something we plan to focus more on in 2023.

8. Do you receive support from any external IR firms?

Yes, we use Alpha IR. It’s very helpful to have an outside perspective to weigh in, particularly with a broader view of best practices outside just the gaming sector.

9. What is the most popular question from analysts and investors right now?

Investors really want to understand where we at GAN fit into the sports betting and iGaming value chain and how we generate profitability.

10. Is ESG a focal point for investors in your region and, if so, which aspect is most scrutinized?

It’s becoming a bigger focus. I’m having more dialogue around corporate governance and responsible gaming initiatives, which are specific to our industry.

11. What’s been the biggest challenge of your IR career?

Navigating the pandemic and aligning the external messaging with internal messaging to the workforce. 

12. What’s your favorite thing about investor relations?

Being able to connect with all aspects of our organization across departments and at all seniority levels.

13. And your least favorite?

I really enjoy the role of being exposed to all aspects of the company. Honestly, there isn’t anything I dislike.

14. What sort of things do you enjoy doing outside work?

I really enjoy playing and watching basketball to unplug. In fact, my recreational team in Las Vegas recently won our league championship.

15. If you could pass on one IR lesson, what would it be?

Transparency is key in terms of both communicating externally and relaying to management investor sentiment and concerns.