3 famous Golf Players Who Were known for Their Love of Gambling

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3 famous Golf Players Who Were known for Their Love of Gambling

Golfers have always been involved in gambling. Professional golfers are offered gambling options on tour via the Gamble Online site. Here are three famous golf players who were well-known for their love of gambling and their reputation for gambling skills.

Sandy Lyle is a Scottish golfer who won the Masters Tournament in 1988. He is also well-known for his love of gambling. Lylie has won 29 tournaments worldwide.

Phil Mickelson has a gambling problem. He lost $40 million between 2010 and 2014. Mickelson has won a lot of money on and off the golf course.   He once made 50 bets on college basketball games in 20 minutes while sitting in front of a journalist.

John Daly is an American golfer who won the 1991 PGA Championship. He is well-known for his off-course antics, which include heavy drinking and gambling. Daly once lost $1.65 million dollars in a single night playing the slots at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Golf and gambling have always been linked together. For some golfers, gambling is a way to make extra money outside of tournament winnings. Other golf players have been known for their love of gambling.