A Look at the Premier League 2022/23

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct
A Look at the Premier League 2022/23

The Premier League began in August and has been going strong. The defending champions are Manchester City, who have won the past two championships. The EPL is one of the most popular national football leagues in the world.

Manchester City is the defending champions. They have won 10 of 13 games this season. Arsenal is ranked second with 11 wins and one loss. Newcastle is third with 7 wins, with only 1 loss, and Tottenham is fourth with 8 wins but 4 losses. Manchester United is fifth with 6 wins out of 7, having only lost to Arsenal.

The worst ranked club in the 2022/23 season is Nottingham Forest, who have only won 2 matches. The Wolverhampton Wolves have won 5 matches and lost 8. Everton has suffered 6 losses and managed 5 ties. Bournemouth is ranked 17 with 7 losses, 4 draws, and 3 wins.