Anthony Albanese challenges French PM to Matildas vs France bet, World Cup 2023, news

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Anthony Albanese challenges French PM to Matildas vs France bet, World Cup 2023, news

Australian PM Anthony Albanese has laid down a challenge to his French counterpart as the nations prepare to face off in the Women’s World Cup.

The Matildas will play Les Bleues at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane tonight from 5pm local time in the quarterfinals of the tournament.

Les Bleues are the heavy favourites, with the bookies having the Aussie team outsiders at $3.60 and paying $2.15 for France.

Despite that, Albo has challenged French President Emmanuel Macron to a friendly wager of sorts.

“How about a bet [Emmanuel Macron]?” he wrote on Twitter.

“If [the Matildas] win tonight, you’ll support Australia in the semi-finals. If [France] win, I’ll support France. Deal? #GoMatildas.”

The challenge was classic Albo — half cringe and part boomer.

“Why do politicians in Australia choose to support sport with lame bets, political grandstanding & photo opps - but never the actual funding supporters of codes like football have wanted for years?” journo Luke Cooper noted.

“Is this why PMs have been booed at sporting events since forever?”

Others remembered how Australia left France apoplectic when the deal for French submarines was ditched in favour of America’s nuclear-powered killing machines.

“Australia making a deal with France? I think we all know what happened last time,” one punter wrote.

“Winner gets a submarine,” ABC producer Isaac Nowroozi quipped.

Hopefully Albo’s punt goes a little better than the subs fiasco, which ended up costing Australia $830 million for breaking the contract.

If the Matildas do progress to the semi finals, the challenge doesn’t get any easier as they will face either England or Colombia.