#Belt Wars

Five Giants bold predictions, including big Joey Bart season, trade splash

Five Giants bold predictions, including big Joey Bart season, trade splash

I write this piece every year, but I never could have predicted what happened in 2021. Usually, "bold predictions" come up short because they're too bold. For instance, last year I picked Austin Slater to hit more homers than in his previous four seasons combined (he came close, missing by two!) and Duane Kuiper projected double-digit homers for…
Appreciating Brandon Belt’s long, memorable Giants career

Appreciating Brandon Belt’s long, memorable Giants career

My everlasting love, I am coming home, for the war is over. Both sides are claiming victory, but there is no ambiguity in this matter. We are victorious, my sweet Gerty! We have prevailed! Sing tale of our triumph upon the highest mountain top, because we have won, we have won, we have won, and I am coming home. The Belt Wars are over. The good…