Benefits for OSU in expanded college football playoff are debatable

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Benefits for OSU in expanded college football playoff are debatable

There were upsets in college football this weekend. Me, Myself and others are arguing about the college playoff format. They are against the expansion of the playoff. They think it makes the regular season less exciting. The others think the format makes it more of a given. It's true more teams means more enthusiasm in more college towns. Ohio State would have made the playoffs each of previous eight years if the 12-team format had been in place from the inception. However, Me wishes things were different. I will accept the change even if I don't embrace it. i

The benefits for OSU in expanded college football playoff are debatable.

Me and Myself are discussing the expansion of college football playoffs. They think it will hurt the regular season. They also disagree about the benefits of the college sports. The college sport is different from the NFL. It's not as predictable as the professional sport. There are more opportunities for college players. Transfer portal is like NFL free agency. College football is not like the pros. UCLA and Southern California are not in the Big Ten. This is college. Football is a sport for the masses. I think the current format is good for football.

Myself is not sure about the benefits of expanded college football playoff.