Bet it all on a good cause
Bet it all on a good cause

BETTERTON — Kent County residents and nearby neighbors showed up on a rainy night so they could bet on the horse races.

Saturday night, at the Betterton Volunteer Firehouse, the Still Pond/Betterton Lions Club hosted their 45th Virtual Race Night.

On a large screen, horses raced while folks cheered raucously.

Excited patrons watched a DVD from the “Night at the Races,” a gaming company that records real horse races. Most races were close, some having photo finishes, and the jubilation of the winners watching the giant screen was contagious, especially after free beer and wine were consumed.

Homemade lemon bars, cookies and brownies were bought and the air was full of expectation for the next race.

Patrons exchanged their regular money placing their bets, chatting with neighbors while they waited in line.

It was not an uncommon occurrence to see popcorn, red raffle tickets, white tickets, funny money, and the program strewn across the tables in a kind of organized, fun, frenzy.

Along with smiling, familiar faces.

There were 12 races, sponsored by local companies and also companies or individuals could sponsor the horses too. For example, Auxiliary President of the Betterton Legion Patti Bone named three horses she sponsored that night for her grandchildren.

Led by Dick Story commentating, the organizers bumped into a good problem.

They ran out of food because the place was packed.

Debi Cornelius Betterton/Still Pond Lions member said this has been the biggest turnout they’ve had since the Covid-19 shutdowns in 2020; around 220 people were in attendance.

The 50/50 drawing benefitted the Lion’s Leader Dog Program. Millington Lions Club Member Shelly Holland spoke about the important work the organization does — training dogs for free for those who are vision-impaired or blind.

Cornelius was grateful for all of the hard work and was thrilled to announce they have doubled their membership, from ten, last year, to twenty.

“Thank you all for coming out and supporting us. We had a great turnout.”

The proceeds go out to more than 17 local organizations and charities.

Their next race will be in the fall, Nov. 9, and you can order your ticket now at cag21678@gmail.