Bond between horse and Madison Co. teen has the makings of a movie

Bond between horse and Madison Co. teen has the makings of a movie

Richmond, Ky. (WKYT) -We have a follow up to a story we first brought you back in November about a horse running Breeders Cup weekend and its special bond with a Madison County teenager.

What Cody’s Wish has done on the track has made headlines, but perhaps it’s what that bond has done for 17-year-old Cody Dorman off the track that has the makings of a Hollywood movie.

When we first met Cody Dorman in November of last year, we met a young man who had defied the odds.

Born with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, a rare genetic disorder his outlook wasn’t good, but he has since re-written his story.

The 17-year-old who is non-verbal recently attended his prom, showing up in style like his fellow classmates.

Cody’s family is well aware that the happiness of their son today is thanks in part to a very special bond with one particular horse.

“We’ve got a front row seat to the best story in the world no matter if we are at the track or not, it’s great. Just hearing the happiness and inspiration that it has brought to so many people around the world,” said Kelly Dorman, Cody’s father.

That friend, a beautiful brown colt that now bears the name Cody’s Wish after the two met on a Make-A-Wish trip a few years ago.

The horse took to Cody like they were old friends and it set off a winning combination.

This past November Cody was there to cheer on his old pal Breeders Cup weekend and in early May he saw him come from behind again and win under the Twin Spires at Churchill Downs.

“I was so excited and happy, I was just so proud for Cody’s Wish,” said Cody Dorman.

The Dorman’s have watched that race over and over, still in awe of the horse’s determination to win.

“It takes your breath away every time, it’s something you can’t get used to even the past races we have seen a hundred times or more it’s just like you watch it for the first time,” said Kelly Dorman.

The determination the Dorman’s see in Cody’s Wish is something they’ve seen in their own son.

That win on Derby weekend was made even more special because Cody’s Wish stopped to see Cody before the race, just another magical moment in the pair’s story.

“It was really special just seeing Cody’s Wish just looking over at Cody, Cody got excited and Kylie got really excited,” said Leslie Dorman, Cody’s mom.

The Dorman’s say Cody’s Wish has been better than any medicine for their son, bringing him back from a dark place, depression.

“To see him battle through that and his buddy Cody’s Wish help him get through it, he’s been smiling pretty much ever since that day he went and seen him didn’t you buddy,” said Kelly Dorman.

If this story sounds like a movie, well Cody’s sister Kylie was happy to spill the beans to us.

“They are doing a movie and book on Cody’s Wish and Cody,” said Kylie Dorman.

The family has been approached by some movie producers which is all still in the works.

They also will see a book written about their son, detailing his story and the challenges he’s overcome.

“The bulk of it is actually about the mountains that Cody has climbed and adversity he has faced and how he has handled it,” said Kelly Dorman.

They are a pair worth betting on and the smile you see on Cody’s face when you talk about this horse is all you need to know about how this teenager feels about his friend.

“He saved my life without a doubt Cody’s Wish I love you,” said Cody Dorman.

It is a story this family says is just getting started.

“Him and that horse is writing the story so they’ve got the pen and paper,” said Kelly Dorman.

We plan to keep you posted on that book and proposed movie on Cody Dorman.

One of the things that has been most meaningful to Cody and his family is their ability now to use Cody’s story and give back to Make-A-Wish.