CelticsBlog roundtable: will Malcolm Brogdon finish the year with the Celtics?

CelticsBlog roundtable: will Malcolm Brogdon finish the year with the Celtics?

Jack Simone: The answer should be yes, but all the smoke around how he reacted to the near trade is a bit concerning, especially since we’re still hearing about it months later. Brogdon should be able to hunker down again and settle back in to his sixth man role, but the Celtics also can’t afford any distractions. He should be on the team through the year, but if the outside noise and potential internal drama continues, Brad Stevens should keep an eye on the trade market just in case.

Benjamin Torbert: Betting odds should be that he will stay. He’s good. He’s under contract. And he’s a top 7 guy with a clear postseason role on a championship contender. But I’ll go out on a limb and say he is moved this year. Stevens, despite his even-keeled persona, has been decisive and aggressive as a GM. He’s also extremely sensitive to chemistry/fit considerations from his coaching background. If he senses that Brogdon is not all in early in the season, he could take advantage of that contract size (and pair it with some future picks) to add another impact piece to the core. The Celtics biggest question mark is durability concerns swirling around Brogdon, Rob, and Porzingis. If Stevens can turn Brogdon into a bit more of a sure thing, he takes the plunge to maximize the current title window.

Noa Dalzell: I think so. I think a lot of the narrative around Malcolm Brogdon and his unhappiness is media-driven, and until we hear him say he’s unhappy here or wants out, I’m not going to partake in the speculation game. It seems a lot of us have forgotten that Brogdon had an excellent season last year and beat out lots of other standout candidates for Sixth Man of the Year. He did exactly what he was supposed to, and barring significant injury this season, I expect him to again. Also, from everything we know about Brogdon, he’s highly professional. I don’t think he’ll be asking out unless there’s a lot more to the story than has been reported, and the Celtics can’t afford to lose one of their only rotation guards on their own acccord.

Ben Dupont: No. I’m a staunch defender of Malcolm Brogdon, but it feels like he’s on the way out. It’s not just the reports that he’s unhappy with the team. It’s that the team is going to be over the second apron next season, if nothing changes. Moving Brogdon’s deal is the best way to get under that line while remaining competitive. When a deal comes to upgrade Brogdon’s role, Boston will take it. Remember that the Celtics have two first round draft picks in 2024. Brad Stevens will not make both of those picks. Expect one or both to be attached to Brogdon’s deal in a trade before that draft. I suppose that means he could be traded after the season, but I would bet he’s gone by the deadline. And I will be sad to see him go.

Sam LaFrance: I sure hope so. At this point, they don’t have the means to just offload him for just anybody. Without Smart on the team, they’d need to find another guard that’s at about the same level, which is a nearly impossible ask. The only way that there should be a trade involving Brogdon is if he truly is fed up with the organization and is going to be an issue throughout the season. It’s a possibility, but ultimately winning fixes all and I think once they get rolling and Brogdon starts (hopefully) playing well then it’ll all be just fine.

Mike Dynon: Yes. The trade of Marcus Smart opens up more minutes and creates more need for Brogdon’s skill set. Despite the rumors that the reigning Sixth Man of the Year is unhappy about 1) almost being traded, and 2) how his elbow injury has been handled, we won’t actually know what he thinks until he’s asked directly at media day. And even then, we might not get a straight answer. But Brogdon seems like a level-headed guy, and if the team is winning and if the rotation is solid, he should settle in and be a vital contributor once again.

Daniel Poarch: If Malcolm Brogdon isn’t a Boston Celtic by the time the playoffs start, it will be because the Celtics found an upgrade on the trade market, not because Brogdon forced his way out. Brogdon may be upset about his offseason non-trade, and he’d have reason to feel that way – he doesn’t owe the Celtics organization anything, as someone who was traded to the team to begin with. That said, Brogdon is also a consummate professional who just last season accepted a bench role for the betterment of the team. I have a hard time seeing this situation (if there even is one) devolving to the point of a messy divorce. He’ll show up and play basketball, and that’s all anybody needs to ask for.

Bobby Manning: He should. My gut tells me no for salary, health, or opportunity reasons. Without knowing anything, something just doesn’t feel right following the tumultuous end to last season. The best bet remains him playing out the entirety of this season until he’ll be more easily moved playing on an expiring contract. Given that he’s extension-eligible, it might be to his benefit to move sooner.

Trevor Hass: I say yes. Malcolm Brogdon strikes me as a very “drama-free” dude. He’s probably ignoring all this nonsense for the most part and chuckling to himself at the snippets he does hear. To me, this seems like a situation that’s been blown out of proportion. The Celtics and Brogdon both want Brogdon to be healthy, play his game and contribute to winning. If the health comes, I have no doubt that the other two will as well. Even if it doesn’t, I think they’ll get back on the same page (if they were even off it to begin with) and refocus.