Chancer’s Presale and BlackRock’s ETF: Double Whammy for Crypto Investors?
Chancer’s Presale and BlackRock’s ETF: Double Whammy for Crypto Investors?

Christmas has come early for crypto investors. News of the approval to review the Blackrock ETF application to offer a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) marks the venture capitalist giant’s entry into crypto markets, potentially sending shockwaves through markets.

That’s not all. Crypto investors are also excited about a brand new pioneering project, Chancer, gathering plenty of momentum. With its decentralized predictions market solution, Chancer aims to upset the big centralized online betting platforms. With blockchain fans suddenly like kids in a candy store with many exciting options, this article looks at which is best.

What the BlackRock ETF review means for crypto fans

The BlackRock ETF is just one of several filings for spot Bitcoin ETFs, with others coming from big names such as Invesco, Bitwise, and Fidelity. All eyes are now firmly planted on the review of BlackRock’s revised proposal by the SEC after the regulatory body rejected the initial application as lacking.

The revised application includes a “surveillance sharing” clause that would involve monitoring Coinbase’s crypto exchange and sharing any possible illegal trading activity.

Blackrock’s ETF would track the value of Bitcoin without anyone needing to directly hold the asset while also allowing Bitcoin to be tradeable on traditional stock exchanges, such as NASDAQ, via its ETF. A previous Bitcoin ETF was successfully launched earlier this year to massive acclaim from crypto traders and is being described as the holy grail by some in the industry. If the SEC approves the Blackrock ETF, the result could be seismic for crypto markets and investors.

What is Chancer?

Chancer has fired the starting gun to decentralize the online predictions market currently in thrall to large centralized online bookmakers. The project aims to place control in the hands of bettors thanks to its revolutionary peer-to-peer (P2P) predictive solution that puts gamblers in direct touch with each other via custom markets rather than having to take on bets created by a biased, centralized bookie.

The brainchild of the Kelbie brothers, Adam and Paul, Chancer has a vast market to aim at, with online gambling already worth $60 billion globally and projected to grow to $150 billion by 2030. By allowing bettors to create custom markets and odds on almost any event they choose, the Kelbies could have struck gold with their vision of sharing the thrill of winning friendly wagers by allowing friends to enjoy amusing P2P betting markets and let serious gamblers take on enormous viral crowdfunded bets on global events.

Rather than being led by a board detached from the online gambling sector sat high in their ivory tower, the Kelbie brothers are active members of the online betting community. As well as being involved in online betting competitions, they engage directly with the Chancer community and act as ambassadors for the project. This hands-on approach looks set to make Chancer a community for all betting enthusiasts rather than for the chosen few.

How does CHANCER work?

CHANCER is the native token powering the Chancer ecosystem, from enabling the creation of markets and laying of bets to being the currency in which victors receive their payouts. All deposits and withdrawals are made using CHANCER and transacted via the platform’s CertiK-verified smart contract protocol.

The actual value of the CHANCER token lies in the extensive utility levels that look set to lead it to the head of the online gambling field. The platform uses Google’s WebRTC software to allow bettors to stay in touch with the progress of their existing bets. It will enable users to interact in real-time as goals are scored, home runs launched into the crowd, and the QB throws a thrilling touchdown pass from deep.

Of course, as the Kelbie brothers are genuine gambling fans, safety and fairness are critical. A neutral team of moderators checks all bets and markets to ensure no bias or skewed markets such as those usually found on centralized online betting apps.

CHANCER: The present and future

While punters stand to gain enormously from this fantastic decentralized future, there’s plenty at stake for investors to grab hold of, beginning with the exceptionally appealing presale event. After launching at $0.01, the 12 stage Chancer ICO will continue to grow in value to $0.021 before it hits major crypto exchanges.

So far, so intriguing. Chancer is offering investors the chance to win big with several presale special offers starting with the hefty $100k token giveaway that will see ten presale investors win big.

Once the presale has crossed the finishing line in world record time, experts forecast that Chancer could quickly explode into one of the most significant crypto projects of the next few years thanks to its peerless P2P betting model and putting an end to the online betting industry’s reliance on benevolent centralized bookies.

By putting the fun back into online betting, CHANCER investors could win big, with experts predicting the coin will race past $0.50 by the next crypto bull run, expected in 2025, potentially heading off into the distance and hurdling over the $1 barrier with a fair trailing wind.

Win big and win fast with CHANCER

The BlackRock ETF could become a big mover in crypto circles if it passes SEC approval, and while this is exciting in its own right, it lacks the fun attached to Chancer, a project that looks likely to become one of the most popular new dApps of the next few years. Its revolutionary plans to decentralize online betting and put control in the hands of the users mark it out as a project to watch closely.

With presale tokens currently available to $0.011 in stage 2 of its ICO, time is running out for interested parties to get involved at the lowest possible price and drive potentially outstanding returns into everyone’s digital wallet.

Take part in the CHANCER presale here.