'Chose the wrong slave': Raptors' Chris Boucher details disgusting message

'Chose the wrong slave': Raptors' Chris Boucher details disgusting message

It’s no secret the internet can be a safe haven for everything bad about humanity, and people in the public eye can find themselves on the receiving end of disgusting messages. Toronto Raptors forward Chris Boucher is the latest of NBA players who experienced the wrath of salty fans via the internet.

With fantasy sports and betting coming to the forefront, lots of money is on the line, and if something doesn’t workout in the bettor’s favor, the impulse drives them to do crazy things, such as bash them on said social media platform.

Chris Boucher recalls a moment he caught hate during an interview with Yahoo Sports Canada, and the message is one that may anger some upon seeing what was said.

“The betting is not going to make it better now, with the parlays and all that… Somebody said, ‘I chose the wrong slave today.’ Literally sent me that message… Cause I only had 5 points and he needed me to score 10,” Boucher said.

Two things come to mind after reading this. The first is said bettor probably needs to get some help if he’s saying things like this after losing money. Instead of blaming Boucher for not scoring enough points, maybe he (or she) should look in the mirror and find better ways to use funds.

Secondly, saying he chose the wrong slave can have someone thinking there’s a racial issue with that person. It’s logical to think Boucher, or any other player, is not concerned with anyone’s bet, let alone someone who appears to think this is still the era before the Civil Rights Movement.

Messages like this outline how brave people can be on social media, knowing they would never say these things to the player’s face.