Classic Dream still alive in St Leger

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Classic Dream still alive in St Leger

Wi Can Dream won a hat-trick of heat wins at Limerick. He is now the sole hopeful in the 2022 Matchbook Betting Exchange Irish St Leger. Magical Mary and Vincenzo were eliminated from the event. Roja Rasper won his first race at the track on Thursday. Ger O'Meara passed away last year. He was the last greyhound owned and named by Ger. His son Mark O’Mears owned Rojas Raspeper. The dog won on debut on S5 350 yards. It was his debut race. Rasa Rasbeper is owned by Droopys Sydney-Cooladerry Blaze.

Donal Guilfoyle's Magical Poppy lost the Galway Oaks Final to Raha Mofo. Five Alley Elmo won the Croker’s Kennels A0 525 Stake. Ballygibbon Lad won in the A3 grade. The action starts at Galways on Friday. i in Irish racing. i.e. in horse racing, the race is called the ‘Galway Open‘. It is a competition where horses compete for a prize. In the competition, horses are allowed to choose their prize and the winner is announced.