Cricket Tournaments For Fantasy Play: IPL, BBL, World Cup, Etc.
Cricket Tournaments For Fantasy Play: IPL, BBL, World Cup, Etc.

Cricket is played by 104 nations, and they form the International Cricket Council (ICC). Only 12 members are full-time members, whereas the rest 92 members are associates of this council. Other councils work nationally and internationally. For instance, the BCCI stands for the Board of Control for Cricket in India. It is a national board that takes care of the national-level cricket events. Similarly, the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) conducts the events among Asian countries. Multiple major cricket events take place in different parts of the world. With the emergence of the T20 and T10 formats, the number of such events has increased. Let us scout the top events that currently occur in a cricket calendar. If you are an enthusiast and learning how to play fantasy cricket, this list is for you.

The ICC ODI World Cup stands as cricket’s pinnacle limited-overs tournament, captivating fans and nations across the globe. Since its inception in 1975, it has evolved into a grand spectacle of skill, strategy, and national pride. The tournament brings together cricket’s elite teams to battle for the prestigious title every four years. The World Cup has witnessed unforgettable moments in the annals of cricket history. Each edition has a unique narrative, from the West Indies’ dominance in the late 1970s and 1980s to India’s iconic triumphs in 1983 and 2011. Legendary cricketers have left their indelible mark, from Sir Vivian Richards to Sachin Tendulkar and beyond. The event’s global appeal transcends borders, uniting fans from diverse cultures and backgrounds. It not only showcases cricketing prowess but also fosters camaraderie and sportsmanship. The ICC ODI World Cup remains a testament to the enduring passion and love for the sport, with each edition promising more thrilling moments and cricketing history in the making.

The Ashes test series is one of cricket’s most iconic and fiercely contested rivalries, played between England and Australia. Dating back to 1882, it all began when Australia defeated England at The Oval, and a mock obituary stated that English cricket had died, giving birth to the Ashes legend. Since then, the Ashes have symbolized both nations’ cricketing pride and national honor. This five-match test series is characterized by its intensity, passion, and drama. The battles on the pitch are legendary, with world-class bowlers like Glenn McGrath, Shane Warne, James Anderson, and Stuart Broad delivering memorable performances. Batsmen like Steve Smith, Alastair Cook, and Ricky Ponting have etched their names in Ashes history. The Ashes evoke strong emotions in cricket fans on both sides of the world, and the urn remains the most coveted prize in Test cricket.

The ICC T20 World Cup, launched in 2007, stands as cricket’s premier showcase of the game’s shortest and most dynamic format, Twenty20 (T20). Held every two to four years, it assembles cricketing nations for exhilarating, high-octane contests that captivate audiences worldwide. The format’s emphasis on quick, aggressive play has led to thrilling moments, explosive batting, and innovative bowling strategies. Teams like India, Pakistan, and the West Indies have displayed their T20 prowess on the grand stage, while underdogs have occasionally sprung surprises. The T20 World Cup’s global popularity continues to grow.

The Indian Premier League (IPL) is a cricketing phenomenon that has revolutionized the sport since its inception in 2008. As a premier T20 league, the IPL has become a global cricketing extravaganza, combining cricketing excellence with entertainment. Featuring star-studded franchises representing different cities, it has showcased the world’s top talent and drawn millions of viewers worldwide. The IPL’s impact extends beyond the cricketing field, with its glitzy opening ceremonies, celebrity owners, and a carnival-like atmosphere in the stadiums. The league has unearthed new talents, providing a platform for young players to shine. It has also transformed the economics of cricket, offering lucrative contracts to players and making them international celebrities. IPL matches are known for their nail-biting finishes, explosive batting, and crafty bowling, making it a must-watch for fans of the sport.

The Big Bash League (BBL) in cricket, Australia’s premier T20 tournament, has become one of the most exciting and entertaining sports leagues globally. Launched in 2011, the BBL features city-based franchises competing in a fast-paced format, combining cricketing excellence with family-friendly entertainment. With international players and local talents, the league delivers electrifying matches, packed stadiums, and massive television audiences. The BBL’s success has spurred a renewed interest in cricket in Australia and has become a breeding ground for emerging talent while setting new benchmarks for T20 cricket leagues worldwide.

This cricket tournament unites Asian cricketing nations in a battle for regional supremacy. Established in 1984, it features teams from the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) member nations, including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and others. The Asia Cup is held in a One Day International (ODI) or Twenty20 format, depending on the edition. It fosters intense rivalries, particularly between India and Pakistan, creating moments of cricketing drama that captivate millions of fans. Beyond the competition, the Asia Cup promotes cricket in Asia, fosters goodwill among nations, and celebrates the sport’s rich cultural diversity.

The World Test Championship (WTC) is cricket’s premier long-format tournament, introduced in 2019 by the International Cricket Council (ICC). It features the world’s top nine Test-playing nations competing in a league format designed to infuse new life into Test cricket. Each team plays a series of Test matches over two years, earning points for wins and draws. The WTC culminates in a showdown, where the top two teams battle for the championship title. This innovative concept has revitalized Test cricket, adding context and significance to every match and reigniting interest in the game’s oldest and most traditional form.

These are the major events that fantasy cricket players prefer watching. They learn from the player and team stats and make predictions to win a competition. If you are new to this, follow these national and international cricket events and develop your fantasy cricket skills.