Daria Saville vs Daria Kasatkina

Daria Saville vs Daria Kasatkina

We have an all Daria affair headlining our WTA Granby final prediction. Aussie Daria Saville takes on Russian Daria Kasatkina in a bid for the title and some serious momentum heading into the US Open next week. Kasatkina certainly looks the favourite on paper and has been in superb form in 2022. However, tennis is a funny game and things rarely pan out as expected. So, who lifts the title when all is said and done? Well, this article takes a look at exactly that so let’s get started.

WTA Granby Final Prediction

Daria Kasatkina vs Daria Saville

Head-to-head: 2 – 0 Kasatkina

Saville benefited from the retirement of Marta Kostyuk to book her place in the final. The Aussie has been playing good tennis this week but I suspect she wouldn’t be here if that match had been played. Kostyuk is an immense ball striker who is very hard to stop when she’s on form. Nevertheless, Saville has earned her shot at the title and will be hungry to get her hands on her first WTA title since 2017. Standing in her way is a women with three such trophies in the last 18 months or so.

Kasatkina has been one of the better players in the women’s game since the start of 2021. That is reflected by her return to the top ten in the game as well as the titles she has lifted since then. The Russian is an incredibly smart player who rarely relies on brute force to win matches. She is perfectly happy crafting points and waiting for her moment to strike. She may need to be a bit more aggressive her though, as Saville is a great defender and counterpuncher in her own right.

Kasatkina brings form and ability to the table and is the deserving favourite heading into the contest. However, the opportunity undoubtedly means more to the diminutive Aussie and that counts for something. Kasatkina won both of their previous meetings, but those were both closely fought affairs. The question is, can Saville turn the tables and notch a win of her own?

The Prediction

It’s hard to make much of a case for the Aussie here. Kasatkina might not be an aggressive baseliner, but she has the power when needed and more of it than Saville. The Russian is an incredibly smart player who has shown she is one of the best in the world when she is in full flow. She has looked that way so far in Granby. I expect that form to continue into the final. If it does, it’s hard to see any other result but a Kasatkina win in this one.

Prediction: Kasatkina in 3
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