Dermot Weld and Michael Kinane revolutionised Melbourne Cup
Dermot Weld and Michael Kinane revolutionised Melbourne Cup

Michael Kinane and trainer Dermot Weld changed the Melbourne Cup forever when they won in 1993.

The Melbourne Cup had always been the race that captured the attention of Australians, but Irish gurus Dermot Weld and Mick Kinane made it a race for the world three decades ago.

International racing pioneer Weld fulfilled a long-held dream in winning the 1993 Melbourne Cup when Vintage Crop stunned local punters with a perfectly executed attack on the race, making them the first northern hemisphere winners, in what would set up a barrage of horses following in their footsteps.

Arriving off the plane having not raced since winning the Irish St Leger two months earlier, questions were raised over Vintage Crop's fitness, however Weld and Kinane knew what they were dealing with.

Weld says his victory changed horse travel forever and opened the Melbourne Cup up to the world.

"When Vintage Crop won the Melbourne Cup, I said at the time that it internationalised the race," Weld told News Corp from Ireland.

"The Melbourne Cup became an international race from that point, it opened it up to the world.

"We have travelled horses around the world for 30 years since then.

"It changed it all in a huge way. It was extremely hard to travel horses then.

"It took an awful lot of planning and an awful lot of effort.

"I won it again with Media Puzzle (2002) and I was unlucky with Vinnie Roe (2002, 2004, 2005).

Legendary Irish jockey Kinane said Vintage Crop flew perfectly under the radar for the Melbourne Cup, with punters questioning his fitness in the lead up.

Vintage Crop changed the Melbourne Cup forever in 1993.

"The horse had a huge chance but everyone talked him out of the race, he was about 5-1 early on but he jumped about 20-1," Kinane said.

"He hadn't run for 50-odd days and everyone said he can't be fit for it, they were waiting for him to gallop all the time, but the problem was that he was a horse that didn't take any work.

"You could have shown him a piece of work on the television and he'd be fit off that. Our horse had so much up his sleeve thanks to the handicap."

While Australian punters' faith in Vintage Crop might have diminished, Kinane laughs when he remembers a small group of friends that followed him to Melbourne from Hong Kong, where he was riding at the time, for the Cup.

"I had a couple of lads come down from Hong Kong and they filled their pockets, they were good pals of mine," he said.

"The bookies there took them a while to pay them out, they got a bit of cash out of them.

"In fairness to Dermot Weld, it was a dream to him because he was down in Australia and he saw how much it meant to the people there. He thought he'd love to win it if he had a horse good enough.

"Nowadays travel is so easy, but at that stage it wasn't easy at all, so it was a phenomenal achievement by everybody involved."