Dodgers: What the David Peralta signing means for Los Angeles
Dodgers: What the David Peralta signing means for Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Dodgers’ outfield approach has been interesting to follow during the offseason. Los Angeles cut ties with Cody Bellinger and later signed glove-first veterans such as Jason Heyward and Bradley Zimmer. Meanwhile, Mookie Betts, James Outman, Trayce Thompson, and Chris Taylor are all candidates to play in the Dodgers’ outfield as well. With Betts and Taylor settled into spots for LA, that left four players to battle for the starting CF job and potentially two bench spots. However, the Dodgers’ recent addition of David Peralta adds more uncertainty to the conversation.

So what does the David Peralta move mean for the Dodgers?

What the Dodgers’ David Peralta addition means for Los Angeles

Many people around the team including Dodgers’ beat writer Juan Toribio, already believed James Outman was going to open the season in Triple-A. Outman is a well-regarded OF prospect, but he will turn 26 this year. Barring a breakout Spring Training performance, Outman will likely be the odd man out. The Dodgers could ultimately trade Outman if they see fit as well.

For now, Outman will probably open 2023 in the minor leagues. However, the Dodgers likely won’t carry three backup outfielders on the MLB roster.

Mookie Betts is the only guaranteed lock for the Dodgers’ outfield. But Chris Taylor is expected to join Betts in the outfield as well. That leaves Thompson, Heyward, Zimmer, and now Peralta to battle for the final spots.

Trayce Thompson impressed last year and should be in line for placement on the roster barring unforeseen circumstances. Thompson may end up winning the starting centerfield job as well.

Heyward and Zimmer are similar players at this point in their careers. Both add minimal offensive value but can track the ball down in the outfield. The odds of both of them breaking camp with the Dodgers are slim, so they will need to perform well during Spring Training.

The only way David Peralta would be left off the roster is if he endures a dreadful spring. Even then, Los Angeles may still give him a chance. He’s a capable contact hitter who holds his own on defense. As a left-handed batter, Peralta could platoon with both Thompson and Taylor throughout the 2023 campaign.

To answer the question asked above, the David Peralta addition will force Outman, Zimmer and Heyward to fight for everything in Spring Training.