'Don't Jinx It!' Brian O'Driscoll's Kids Make All The Calls

'Don't Jinx It!' Brian O'Driscoll's Kids Make All The Calls

Irish rugby legend Brian O'Driscoll and his wife Amy Huberman seem to have it all; amazing careers, three great kids and a hilarious sense of fun in their rleationship.

To be fair, Amy's teasing of Brian online is legendary: remember the time he brought home the wrong dog from the dog groomers But according to Brian, the couple aren't at odds- in fact they rely on each other to make sure life is as smooth sailing as possible and they take a good lead from their young kids.

Speaking to EVOKE, Brian said 'It’s a juggle, it always is. We complement each other while she’s away and I’m at home. It’s never perfect but we just roll with it and when one’s busy the other pulls the hand break on other person’s career. It’s comprise.'

With such high profiles, it'd be easy to assume that Brian and Amy constantly live the high life, but the 44-year-old says that's not the case these days; they both prefer a much slower pace of life these days... Probably because raising three young kids would drain even the fittest person! Laughing he said 'No parent with young kids has a social life! But I do still try and find time to see friends for a catch up, something like brunch. Some of the dads whose children are friends with my kids, I’ll meet them in the local for two or three pints on a Friday or a Sunday to catch up and make sure it’s not all children talk and we’re having adult conversations as well.'

Seeing as Brian's kids are a big influence on his social life these days, it'd be easy to assume that he's a big influence on them- particularly when it comes to sport- but he said that's not the case at all! 'You just roll with whatever your kids want to be involved with and have got to understand the upsides and downsides.' he said.

... and, in his own words, be careful not to jinx it by telling them they'll go all the way!

Of course, rugby is a dangerous sport if it's played incorrectly, and with so many horror stories doing the rounds about concussion and injuries, someone who isn't in the know might be wary of letting their kids play the game. But Brian says he'd never stop his children playing- if that's what they wanted to do. 'I believe that the life lessons from rugby outweigh the dangers, if my son or daughter wanted to pursue another sport- as is the case at the moment- I’d push them to that as well.' he explained, as a matter of fact. 'As a parent, you have to allow them to plough their own path and provide a facility to allow them to bring the best out of them.'

As a girl dad, it also really impresses Brian to see how much of an improvement there has been in the engagement with women's sport. He said 'I went to a Women’s Six Nations game with my daughter, it’s important for boys and girls to see equality. At home in my house my son doesn’t care if it’s men or women playing, he was just as excited watching the Women’s World Cup as he was watching Messi.

'Seeing role models is important to the next generation, the can’t see can’t be campaign was very important a few years ago, and we have to make it as accessible as possible.'

But do Brian's kids know that their dad is- let's call a spade a spade here- a bit of a sporting legend? That day is yet to come, he said, with his kids prefering to copy their mum's tact of teasing him over his profile! 'I have never caught my son looking at old YouTube videos of me!' he laughed. 'It’s all Ronaldo and Messi. The kids are at the age now where they know how to embarrass me. “OMG, I’m Brian O’Driscoll” they’ll go, taking the p*ss out of me. You just have to let the kids find their own paths.'

At the end of the day, and with his own experience, Brian said he's happy to follow in his own parent's footsteps and let his kids take the lead when it comes to their preferences and choices as they grow up. 'You have to be there in a support capacity to enjoy what they’re doing - whether that is gymnastics and hockey for my daughter or football and a little bit of rugby for my son - you just have to show interest and be there.' he said. 'I had a dad who was incredibly vocal when I was young and the most important thing as a kid is making sure your parent isn’t the loudest supporter, you can be the second loudest, but not loudest.'

Brian O'Driscoll has partnered with Guinness for their Don't Jinx It campaign ahead of the Rugby World Cup 2023.