Eddie Jones appointed Australia's rugby coach, Dave Lenny sacked

Eddie Jones appointed Australia's rugby coach, Dave Lenny sacked

Rugby Australia announced the firing of head coach Dave Rennie and the promotion of Eddie Jones on Tuesday, a former captain for England.

Following his first spell as head coach of the Australian national team from 2001 to 2005, Mr Jones will take over the team for a second time. In 2003, he led the side from his country to the final of the Rugby World Cup, which was held in that country.

Only five of the team’s fourteen games were won by Lenny, who managed the squad for the previous three seasons. The Rugby World Cup will not take place in France for another eight months. Lenny had declared in the past week that Jones’s probable nomination to the cabinet “won’t happen,” and he has also ruled out the possibility of working with Jones. This speculation regarding Jones’s possible appointment to the cabinet has been the topic of rumours for some time.

Jones, dismissed from his position as head coach of the England national team in December of the previous year, will return to work on the 29th of this month. The new head coach, who is 62 years old, has set his sights on winning the World Cup this year.

He said that if he were to go back to Australia, it would be a fantastic chance for him to steer my country to victory in the Rugby World Cup. Jones has remarked that it is a fantastic opportunity for him to return to Australia and lead the national team.

About the squad, he mentioned that the Wallabies, the colloquial moniker for Australia, have a considerable amount of talented players. If everyone in Australia’s team is healthy and in good shape coming into this year’s tournament in France, the odds are good that Australia will be able to win the Rugby World Cup for the first time in 24 years, he said with absolute conviction.

Jones returns to his homeland after agreeing to play for the Wallabies and Wallaroos with a long-term deal through the year 2027.

The Wallabies had only arrived in camp under the direction of Dave Rennie a few days before the announcement, setting themselves up for a World Cup tournament that could only be described as a dream.

Eddie Jones’s vengeance tour can finally begin, as the quarterfinals are littered with ghosts from Jones’s past. Now everything is in place for Eddie Jones’s tour of retribution.