ESPN Bet promo code & Super Bowl odds, sports betting bonuses, predictions

The Sporting News
ESPN Bet promo code & Super Bowl odds, sports betting bonuses, predictions

ESPN Bet is welcoming the first Super Bowl since its launch with a Bet and Get welcome offer for new customers.

Simply make any bet at the sportsbook, and get $100 in bonus bets. The only requirements for new users are to make a minimum $10 deposit, and then make a cash wager on any market. ESPN Bet will then give you five $20 bonus bets, whether the initial wager wins or loses. Bonus bets will arrive in your account within 72 hours.

Check out exclusive sports betting promo codes and bonuses totaling more than $4,000 before Super Bowl 58

Sportsbooks across the country are taking advantage of the excitement around the 49ers vs. Chiefs in the Super Bowl, and offering some generous sports betting promos and bonuses. Just click “Claim Promo” to get started.

Check out the latest bonuses from our partners at BetMGM, DraftKings, FanDuel, bet365 and BetRivers, which total more than $4,000, before betting on the Super Bowl.

The best sports betting promos for Super Bowl

So, how do you claim these incredible offers, and what exactly will you get?

BetMGM bonus code SPORTSPICK

BetMGM is offering a Bet $5, Get $158 in bonus bets, win or lose, offer with bonus code SPORTSPICK. Simply create an account, deposit at least $10, and make your first real-money wager of at least $5, and BetMGM will credit your account with $158 in bonus bets.

FanDuel promo code

Use our FanDuel promo code link to register a new account and get $200 in bonus bets. Just deposit at least $10 and make your first bet of at least $5 on any market. If it wins, you get $200 in bonus bets, on top of your winnings.

DraftKings promo code

Our DraftKings promo code gets you up to $1,250 in bonus bets. Deposit $5, and get a $50 bonus bet. Follow that up with a $5 real-money wager, and you'll also get $200 in bonus bets, win or lose. There's also a 20% match on your first deposit, good for up to $1,000 in bonuses.

BetRivers bonus code SPORTSRIV

With BetRivers bonus code SPORTSRIV, you will unlock a 2nd Chance Bet up to $500. That means if your first bet loses, BetRivers will credit your account in bonus bets in the amount of the original wager up to a $500, $250 or $100, depending on your state.

Bet365 bonus code

Our bet365 bonus codes TSNCO in Colorado, TSNLA in Louisiana, TSNIN in Indiana, TSNAZ in Arizona, NJTSN in New Jersey and VATSN in Virginia allow you to choose your bonus. You can get a First Bet Safety Net up to $2,000, meaning a loss with your first bet will be refunded in bonus bets in the original amount, up to $2,000. Or, you can get a Bet $5, Get $150 bonus offer. 

Sports betting promos for Super Bowl 58 odds + 49ers vs. Chiefs prediction

We encourage you to open accounts with multiple sportsbooks in order to shop around for the best lines and odds.

For example, while the consensus line for the Super Bowl has come in around 49ers -2, you can find Chiefs +2.5 or 49ers -1.5 on different apps.

With a wide range of Super Bowl props available, there are going to be plenty of variations on OVER/UNDERs, as well as odds for player yardage props, TD scorers and even coin flips.

As for our thoughts on the game? Try to find Chiefs +2.5 and take it.