FanPost Friday: Opening Day prop bet polls!
FanPost Friday: Opening Day prop bet polls!

Hello and welcome back to FanPost Friday, OPENING DAY EDITION. If you’re reading this, you’ve made it through another winter and Mariners baseball is hours away from being fully back in our lives. If nothing else goes well for you today, at least there is that. Cheers, friends.

But first, let’s look back on last week’s poll results.

I mean, duh. Of course Julio should have ran away with this poll, as he was days away from being awarded a spot on the Opening Day roster. But, look at that 13% from Adam Frazier aka Ty France who can also run! I know I was very impressed by him in ST and I’m glad to see LL agrees.

This is a fun one and it shows how dang smart y’all are. Yes, of course, we expect big things from Julio in 2022. But, he’s a rookie and will likely have his rookie struggles. Totally okay. But Jarred? No longer a rookie and he is looking to destroy every baseball he sees like they all personally insulted his mother. Show us what you got, Jarred!

A no-brainer, as well, and let’s all knock on every piece of wood nearby to make sure this happens.

All right, moving on to prop bets on today’s Season Opener!

A prop bet is a bet on something within a game that has no direct effect on the outcome of the game. If you’re familiar with Super Bowl prop bets like betting on the coin flip or betting on the length of the National Anthem, then you know what we’re talking about here. So, channel your inner degenerate gambler and hit these polls in the next few hours before the game starts. The polls will close right at 1:10 PM PT. (Disclaimer: Lookout Landing does not condone gambling or sports betting. Do so at your own risk. This is a post with jokes and polls with zero monetary stakes or value and is just for fun - LLegal Dept, eternal shoutout to Tim <3)

Let’s go!

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All right, that’s it! Make sure to hop into the open game thread today and call it out when you get one right or scream in agony when you lose one. Let’s have fun today, folks. Happy Opening Day and Go Mariners.