Forces hyped up for encounter
Forces hyped up for encounter

As the Ratu Sukuna Bowl draws nearer, the excitement and hype between the forces have been nothing short of incredible.

The Republic of Fiji Military Forces is leaving no stone unturned as they aim to claim the Ratu Sukuna Bowl away from the Fiji Police Force this year.

This intention was hinted at by Navy Commander Humphrey Tawake, following a statement by Acting Commissioner Juki Fong Chew, who asserted their goal of retaining the Bowl in Nasova.

“It brings the whole family between the two forces together on one special day and one special week which culminates the Friday event. And we have the school of all. We go into this year’s event, as underdogs like the police commissioner has mentioned that they will take the Tanoa back well, they can hold it for now. ”

Tawake also highlighted that this is a great opportunity for the forces to unite and spend time together.

Police Acting Director of Strategic Planning, Pauliasi Colamoto, expressed their collective anticipation for this event and their expectation of it being a fun-filled day.

The Sukuna Bowl is scheduled to be held for one entire week, from November 27th to December 1st.