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Sports Betting Sites Targeting Texas for Another Legalization Push

Sports Betting Sites Targeting Texas for Another Legalization Push

Texas is one of the crown jewels for U.S. sportsbook operators, and an alliance of bookmakers and teams is planning to try again to legalize mobile event wagering in the state. A coalition of professional sports teams and bookmakers plans to take another run at bringing sports betting to Texas during the state's upcoming legislative session. The…
Sports Betting A Talking Point For Some Gubernatorial Candidates

Sports Betting A Talking Point For Some Gubernatorial Candidates

Election Day is next Tuesday, and gubernatorial candidates across the country are aggressively campaigning in the final few days before voters hit the polls. And while it's hardly the No. 1 priority of most political candidates, legal sports betting has come up as a talking point on the campaign trail. Count Texas Gov. Greg Abbott among those to…
NFL: Houston Texans