Get $200 Instantly For Super Bowl Odds With The DraftKings Promo Code

Get $200 Instantly For Super Bowl Odds With The DraftKings Promo Code

New users can get $200 in bonus bets instantly for Super Bowl odds with the DraftKings Promo Codeby signing up for one of the top sports betting sites in the marketplace.

If a bettor is physically present in a state with legal online sports betting, at least 21 years old, and a first-time customer at DraftKings, they qualify for this bet $5 to get $200 in bonus bets welcome offer.

Click on the "BET NOW" sign-up link above to register a new DraftKings online sportsbook account using the DraftKings Promo Code during sign-up to get $200 in bonus bets instantly today.

New customers can register to get $200 in bonus bets instantly for Super Bowl odds with the DraftKings Promo Code entered during sign-up on one of the best sports betting apps in the country.

Click on the "BET NOW" button below to register a new DraftKings online sportsbook account. This takes you to the new customer sign-up portal at DraftKings, prompting you to enter your personal identifying information, including your name, phone number, email address, and mailing address. Your DOB and the last four digits of your SSN are the final required fields to enter in order to complete the creation of a new DraftKings account.

Once registered, make a first-time qualifying deposit of at least $5 using any available payment methods that you prefer at DraftKings, using options like PayPal and credit cards. Then, place a $5 qualifying wager on any online sports betting market, bet type, and odds to get $200 in bonus bets instantly.

Sports bettors can get $200 in bonus bets instantly for Super Bowl odds with the DraftKings Promo Code, claiming one of the best online sportsbook promo codes available. 

DraftKings sends bonus bets as soon as a $5 qualifying wager is placed, funded as six $25 bonus bet credits. Bonus bets each contain a seven-day expiration date and cannot be withdrawn, transferred, or used to opt into other ongoing promotional offers available at DraftKings. Bonus bets staked on subsequent wagers are not included with any winnings earned.

There is also a separate No Sweat SGP promotional offer available for new customers to opt-in during each eligible game day at DraftKings. An opt-in is required, with up to a $50 qualifying cash wager placed on each eligible game day, totaling three days per week. This promotional offer expires once the final game begins on a slate. No Sweat SGP tokens have to be wagered with at least three legs as either an SGP or SGPx to qualify for a matching rebate with a losing qualifying wager settled.

New customers can use the DraftKings Promo Code to get $200 in bonus bets instantly for Super Bowl odds after registering with this promo code at DraftKings. 

A qualifying wager, bonus bet, or any other real cash wager are all valid ways to begin placing bets across various DraftKings online sports betting markets. This includes Super Bowl odds, like moneyline and spread, along with a huge selection of NFL game props, like first-quarter spread, first-drive result, and total team points. There are also numerous NFL player props markets available.

Click on the "BET NOW" button below to sign up for a new DraftKings account using the DraftKings Promo Code and bet $5 to get $200 in bonus bets instantly today. 

This article is part of our Betting Promotions series.