#Gimnasia La Plata

UEFA Champions League quarterfinals headline This Week's Soccer on TV and Online

UEFA Champions League quarterfinals headline This Week's Soccer on TV and Online

It is officially gut-check season for Manchester City and Liverpool, which will remain in the spotlight of the soccer world for another week and weekend. The two English giants are nearly inseparable in the Premier League ranks after their 2-2 tie over the weekend, and they swiftly have to shift their focus back to UEFA Champions League…
Tottenham headlines This Week's Soccer on TV and Online

Tottenham headlines This Week's Soccer on TV and Online

The path to English Premier League glory seems to be surprisingly open at the moment, and you get the sense that Arsenal will not be able to outrun the heavy hitters forever. England's current state of the union should leave several teams, including Manchester United and Tottenham, encouraged to get in the mix while Champions League spots and…