Gordon D’Arcy: Discipline is king for any team that wants to reign supreme

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Gordon D’Arcy: Discipline is king for any team that wants to reign supreme

Gordon D'Arcy is a former professional rugby player. He was disciplined by his coach Matt Williams for his excessive socialising. He lost the Celtic League final against Munster in 2001. The team needed a Garda message to return the trophy. It turned up. They lost their season. Matt asked the players to write down how many times they had been out socializing in the previous two weeks. Gordon wrote 12 out of a possible 14. His coach challenged him. Eventually, he changed his ways. For Gordon, the only person who could change him was himself. he was the one who was responsible for the change.

Ulster's recent performances have been disappointing. Head coach Dan McFarland was critical of his team's performance. Ulster play Benetton next weekend. Ulster's Champions Cup ambitions are a pipedream.