Guest columnist Jonathan Kahane: My two cents on state sponsored sports betting

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Guest columnist Jonathan Kahane: My two cents on state sponsored sports betting

Jonathan Kahane is a guest columnist on the opinion page of this website. He believes that gambling on sports has existed since the first Olympiad. Massachusetts just made sports betting legal in the state. Jonathan Kahne has had some experiences with gambling in his 77-plus years.

Jonathan Kahane is a guest columnist for The Daily Discussion. He thinks that the state should be involved in the gambling business. He would like to bet on his kids' grade school field day events. The state could raise their salaries. 50% of marijuana sold in Massachusetts is sold illegally. It's a good analogy. Massachusetts residents have been betting on sporting events since Feb. 6, 1788. They have their own “personal contact” or more recently online. Jonathan Kahne is also a high school soccer coach. His alums won the game. After the match, they went to a parking lot and put down their money.