Harry and Meghan 'at odds' over key aspect of their life as she pushes ahead with brand

Harry and Meghan 'at odds' over key aspect of their life as she pushes ahead with brand

Meghan Markle is making waves in Hollywood after signing with a top talent agency, but it seems her husband Prince Harry isn't enjoying the limelight as much as she is

Meghan Markle has transformed her image into a Hollywood superstar, but it seems as though her husband Prince Harry isn't quite on the same page.

The former actress, who starred as Rachel Zane in Suits, is said to be "relaunching" her career after signing with popular talent agency William Morris Endeavor (WME). The company has represented other huge stars such as Dwayne Johnson, Adele, and tennis icon Serena Williams.

Royal expert Emily Andrews has explained how WME has helped the Duchess of Sussex build her brand in recent months. "Meghan was seen shopping at a farmers' market, revealed to have watched Barbie with friends including neighbours Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, surprised a bachelorette party at the San Ysidro Ranch hotel and was pictured in a slinky bandeau dress with Harry," she said.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry seem to have different plans for the future

Emily said the "culmination of this 'softer' relatable' Meghan" was seen at last months Invictus Games. She said Meghan made herself seem more appealing by apologising for being late because she needed to spend more time with her and Harry's two children - Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

Writing in Woman magazine, she said this "relaunch" is all about "rebuilding Brand Meghan". The royal biographer also suggested Meghan now seems more willing to be photographed in public, however, she warned this feeling is "not shared by Harry".

Indeed, one body language expert has suggested Harry has been "slipping back" while his wife thrives in the spotlight. The couple recently hosted the Archewell Foundation Parents' Summit in New York, where they met with parents whose children had died as a result of mental health challenges related to social media use.

Body language expert Judi James exclusively told The Mirror that during the couple's summit, Harry's body language changed and he seemed "uncomfortable" and as though he didn't want to take control. She told us: "Harry's body language is changing recently.

"At the event in New York his entire pose and physicality made him look uncomfortable. He sat in an awkward position and he didn’t ‘take control’ of his seat, which means adopting a pose that retains a sense of dignity and elegance whatever chair you’ve been given."

Judi added: "When he spoke he also rubbed his hand along his thigh, up and down, several times. The odd self-comfort gesture can be understandably subconscious but this was repeated to a point that he must have been aware what he was doing."

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