Horse racing kills horses. The sport you love and live by kills horses

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Horse racing kills horses. The sport you love and live by kills horses

Keepthename died despite earning more than $60,000 from racing. The industry has failed to protect horses. There is a need for a radical overhaul of the business model and strict punishments for those who violate horses' rights. It is normal to mourn the death of a horse who ran well but ignore the one who didn't. This is the normal response for the violent death. of an innocent animal. For many people it makes them turn away. it is also normal for them to grieve the horse that died. If you can witness a young horse die catastrophically in a race or in training and move on from it with no more remorse, you are a detriment to racehorses.

Horse racing kills horses. Elizabeth Banicki spent nearly two decades as an exercise rider.