#Jered Weaver

Smith: Nine things Angels fans need to know

Smith: Nine things Angels fans need to know

Tuesday is opening day at Angel Stadium, the beginning of another hugely hyped, All-Star-studded, high-payroll and high-expectations season for the hometown Angels. Angels fans are thinking World Series for the club that hasn't made the playoffs since 2009 and won its only crown in 2002. Here are nine things every Angels fan should know going into…
Los Angeles Angels: 3 Early Predictions for Angels' Offseason

Los Angeles Angels: 3 Early Predictions for Angels' Offseason

There is a headline that constantly scrolls in my mind every time predictions begin to swirl around the Los Angeles Angels' offseason moves-each scenario popping with the lights of a'50s-style camera. Big names. Big money. Big moves. Big…mistakes? Pop! It never fails-especially in the past few seasons-making the Angels one of the more intriguing…