#Joe Davies

Horse racing not for the faint of heart

Horse racing not for the faint of heart

Right around the time of the Kentucky Derby every spring, there's another big American horse race you may not know about: the Maryland Hunt Cup. The biggest, most demanding event there is in the world of timber racing. It's the American version of Steeplechase and the course is not for the fainthearted. It stretches four miles over the Maryland…
Horse Racing
Lions overcome spirited Dragons in United Rugby Championship

Lions overcome spirited Dragons in United Rugby Championship

THE Dragons failed to break their South African duck after being beaten 33-25 by the Lions in Johannesburg. Dai Flanagan's side headed to Ellis Park buoyed by an encouraging first block of the United Rugby Championship but their weakened team couldn't upset the odds. Wing Sio Tomkinson, hooker James Benjamin and novice scrum-half Che Hope scored…