John Herdman leaving Canada Soccer to take over as Toronto FC coach

Toronto Sun
John Herdman leaving Canada Soccer to take over as Toronto FC coach

When Bill Manning, who knew next to nothing about the Canadian Football League, reached out to Pinball Clemons to come back and run the rather lost Argos, he was smitten by Clemons’s enthusiasm, unbridled energy and natural leadership.

Since then, the Argos have won a Grey Cup and look to be on their way to playing in another one in just two seasons on the job for Clemons.

Now the hope is that Manning, who is supposed to know something about Major League Soccer as president of the team for Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, has pulled from his own past and reached out to John Herdman — the national team men’s coach, the former women’s team coach — to do the Pinball thing on the soccer pitch and bring his own kind of enthusiasm, energy and natural leadership to breathe life into the rather moribund disaster that has been Toronto FC.

The timing of this couldn’t be better for soccer in Canada in more than one way. Spend any time around Herdman and you want to spend more. You don’t want a handshake, you want a hug. Then you want another one. He has that natural joy about him. He could sell rain and the people of Vancouver would buy more.

That — and his soccer prowess — built the women’s national team into an international power. That — and his soccer prowess — took the men’s team, in an against-all-odds kind of way, to the World Cup of Soccer. He got them to the World Cup and probably got them as far as he could under the circumstances.

Now he’ll help Soccer Canada find his replacement at a time when people who know more about soccer than I do (which is the entire population) thought he had taken the squad and the country as far as it could go.

So Team Canada will get a new coach to prepare for the 2026 World Cup. And Toronto FC, which has been a lost puppy for too long, will get Herdman and presumably some life along with that.

This is more than important for Manning, president of the Argos and TFC. The Argos turn-around has worked on the field and is starting to work off of it. The play of TFC was likely grounds for dismissal. And if Herdman works out the way Manning hopes he does, there won’t be any talk of replacing Manning in his dual role.

TFC and the Argos couldn’t be more different. The Argos have a large television following and sit first in the Eastern Conference of the CFL, but are last in attendance. TFC has a large payroll, an avid local following and decent attendance numbers, but just do average numbers on TV.

At a time when the Maple Leafs are contenders, the Raptors are middle of the pack and the Blue Jays are who knows what, the Argos are the best team in the city and the one we talk about the least. A few years ago, TFC was the best team in the city. Now they’re by far the worst.

Manning has known Herdman for some time now, had a good relationship with him, but had no idea he would want to leave the national team for an MLS franchise. But when he heard through a third party that Herdman might have interest in TFC — and Herdman might have read his own writing on the national team wall — Manning texted him.

That’s the way conversations begin today.

They texted. They chatted. They met. And Manning thought to himself: “This is my guy.”

“We spoke a lot about what was needed here and we need a culture change and I can’t think of anyone better to change our culture than John,” said Manning. “The timing of this is perfect.”


Herdman is not a Canadian, but few Canadians have had the sporting impact on this nation that he has had for more than a decade. It began with the women’s soccer team — a team no one knew about or cared about — and then their performance at the 2012 London Olympics captured the country and they followed it up with another medal four years later in Brazil. Without him coaching, that team went on win to win gold in China.

The men’s program was forever in disrepute nationally and internationally for years. Soccer Canada, back then, couldn’t properly organize a two-car funeral. Soccer Canada now can pull that off, but still has its own kind of financial difficulty and that probably played a part in Herdman looking to get out. But maybe this is the right time for everybody. The convenient time to to leave the program he played such a large role in building and coming to a team that was desperate for direction. The best leaders, it seems, usually know when to say goodbye.

Herdman starts on the job with Toronto FC on Oct. 1. “We need change,” said Manning. There are 29 teams in MLS. TFC pays the most and wins the least. Herdman doesn’t come cheap. But throwing this kind of money around is necessary for a soccer club in despair, hoping to culture-change its way out of the soccer wilderness.