Kentucky Derby 2023: John Asher tips on signs of a winning horse

Courier Journal
Kentucky Derby 2023: John Asher tips on signs of a winning horse

Editor's note: This story was first published in the Courier Journal in 2017. John Asher died on Aug. 27, 2018.

Whether they’re using Daily Racing Form numbers, jockey silks or just an interesting name, handicappers have all kinds of ways of selecting their horses to bet. 

John Asher, the previous vice president of racing communications at Churchill Downs, said there are several factors and that, indeed, the way a horse looks right before a race can affect the way he wagers. 

Some prefer to look at the horses in the paddock before the race. But what exactly are the signs they’re seeking?

“Years ago there was a mare running in one of the Derby undercard races,” Asher said. “She was one of the favorites, and I was standing in the paddock that day and she came in and looked like she had been hit with a fire hose. I’d never seen a horse wetter on Derby Day. The sweat was literally dripping off her belly.

“I asked the trainer and he said, ‘We were walking over and someone threw a beer can at her.’ She went nuts and never got over it and never ran a yard in the race. … Those signs can mean a lot, especially for experienced bettors.”

Beauty always is in the eye of the beholder, but here are a few things to look for when examining a horse in the paddock:

What does a 'shiny coat' mean on a racehorse?

Asher said the shiny hair coat "is the greatest sign of good health you can see in a racehorse." 

Asher said some horses — especially grays — will show dappling on their hindquarters. "It looks like little flowers are blooming there, like little bursts in the coat," he said. "That’s a sign of good health and readiness."

A washed-out or foamy coat can indicate a horse is in some mental distress. 

What a horse's demeanor means before a race

Asher said he looks for a “horse that is kind of prancing, up on his toes. He’s alert and ready to go. … But there’s a thin line between being on your toes and being jumpy.”

“Unless you know that’s a trait of that horse, that’s a danger sign.”

Like humans, horses have personalities. A thorough handicapper will know if a wide-eyed, nervous-looking horse is always that way in the paddock or is showing signs of a subpar race.

Asher said he also looks for what he calls “the bowed neck.”

“You don’t see it as much in the paddock as you do the post-parade,” Asher said. “But a horse that is so eager in the post parade … that the jockey has to have a firm hold on him and the neck is kind of bowed, I love that.”

Why is muscle mass on a racehorse important?

Some handicappers like to compare muscle mass, especially around horses’ back hips.

“I think by the time they get to the Derby, that’s (overblown),” Asher said. “On a regular day or when 2-year-olds are racing, some 2-year-olds come over with no sign of a behind. I generally don’t bet those horses. You like to see a little maturity and muscle development.”

Should you bet on a horse that just ... used the bathroom? 

If you’re not comfortable deciding on any of the factors Asher mentioned, there’s always the old standby of betting on the horse that, umm, emptied his or her bladder before the race.

Jason Frakes: 502-582-4046; [email protected]; Twitter: @KentuckyDerby_CJ