Liam Coyle is a Derry City legend, and the stats are there to prove it

Belfast Live
Liam Coyle is a Derry City legend, and the stats are there to prove it

Liam Coyle lets out a hearty laugh at the suggestion he is Derry City’s greatest.

A few generations have passed since his sparkling Nineties heyday, but in the eyes of many, no one before or since has eclipsed the feats of the hometown boy whose magical feet and rapier football brain inspired almost all of the club’s best moments in the game.

During his pomp, the Candystripes stormed to two top flight titles, the first part of an unprecedented league and cup treble which to this day remains a standalone achievement down south and the envy of their rivals, including the much-vaunted Dublin quartet.

During his career, Derry’s fortunes ebbed and flowed, peaking when Coyle was at the height of his powers and slumping in those couple of campaigns he spent away from the Brandywell at Omagh Town and Glentoran, where he won the Irish Cup in 1996.

Yet, despite his brief dalliances with other clubs, like an old flame who still tugs quietly at the heartstrings, Coyle could never really let go of Derry, drawn back to his first love time and again.

In football, there can be few greater honours than to emerge as the hero of your peers, a role model for the kids and a city’s favourite son, but that Coyle did.

One of their own, he made his people happy and they love him for it, yet humble as he is, he recoils from such lavish acclaim, the praise at odds with the irreverent approach he prefers to take when casting a nostalgic glance back over his shoulder.

“I think you take those things with a pinch of salt,” smiled the former FAI player of the year.

“I remember talking to Jim Cleary about this. Jim’s always cited as Glentoran’s greatest player and Jim always says, ‘As soon as I wake up in the morning, the first thing I think is, I’m Glentoran’s greatest player’.

“No, I loved my time playing with Derry and I’m very fortunate that I won things.

“There’s been some great players that played for Derry, but because I’m local and I grew up beside it, I think the fans could identify with me and I think that helped me as I played.

“As for highlights, winning the league with Derry was the best time of my career, the year we done the treble, I was only 20 years of age and playing under Jim McLaughlin. He was an absolute genius of a manager so that will always stand out.

“But I think scoring the winner in the cup final in 2002 was a bit special as well.”

Clever, cultured, and cute with the ball, Coyle came alive in the spaces behind the striker where his natural creativity and eye for a killer pass would make things happen.

But he knew where the net was too, with his 112 goals over the course of almost 400 games setting a record which stood for eight years until it was eventually surpassed by his former team-mate, the late, tragic Mark Farren.

Born just a stone’s throw from the Brandywell, the club was in his blood. His father Fay, a Northern Ireland international, was a Derry City legend in his own right, having captained the club to their one and only Irish League title in 1965.

But in those benighted, tinderbox days of the early Seventies, the Brandywell men had dropped out of the Irish League altogether after a season playing at Coleraine for security reasons.

Therefore, rather than gaze on them from the stands, Derry became this almost mythical thing in his mind, the legend fed by stories from his old man.

Even so, despite the lack of an out- let for young, up-and-coming players in the city, football was still an escape from the bloodthirsty madness all around.

“It was all you really had,” said Coyle. “You just grew up with it in the street and playing in the youth club, and lucky enough I had a teacher who played a bit of football who took an interest in me, a fella called Jimmy McCartney. He started the school team and he was the one that pushed me into it really.

“And at the time, I never really saw Derry playing, they were out of the league.

“They played up here in the Saturday Morning League, and then the Intermediate League for 13 years, so we never really saw them playing.

“Derry City for me was just all stories and what I heard because my father played for them in the Sixties, they weren’t a senior club, so we would go and watch Irish League players playing up here on a Sunday in the Derry & District League, the likes of Felix Healy, Kevin Mahon, Tony Hutton, Seamus McDowell, all them boys who played for Coleraine and that, they were the only senior players we could go and watch.”

Coyle was hot property from the word go, a hat-trick on his debut as a 19-year-old announcing the arrival of a precocious new talent on the scene.

A league, League of Ireland Cup and FAI Cup treble quickly ensued in his first season, an incredible achievement for a club admitted to the league just a few years before.

But then disaster struck. With rumours circulating of a big money move, and Sven-Goran Eriksson’s Benfica among potential suitors after his starring role in the first leg of their European Cup tie, a tackle in a league game at Dundalk ended his season, and should have ended his career too, if he had listened to the specialists.

Coyle spent the next two years in a downward spiral, and has spoken before of the depression he sank in to as he self-medicated with drink.

The buzz of playing is something players often find impossible to replicate when it’s gone, and Coyle was no different.

“When you are playing, it is just so intense. You just love it and no matter what is going on around you, it doesn’t matter, but then all of a sudden it just comes to an end and you wonder, ‘What do I do now?’” said Coyle.

“It’s such a short career, you don’t realise at the time when you are in  the middle of it.”

But he got through it, and after a stunning comeback season at Roy McCreadie’s Omagh Town where he scored 23 goals for a side battling relegation, he returned to reclaim his throne.

The prince of the Brandywell was back, and the good times began to roll once more, with another League of Ireland Cup plundered in 1994, the FAI Cup added in 1995, and then the daddy of them all two years later, a second league title.

Reminded of how Derry’s success at the time appeared wedded to his own form, Coyle once again demurs.

“It is what it is,” he says modestly.

“When I came into the team, we won the treble that season and that wasn’t down to me, we had a really good side.

“But then I got injured and was out for a couple of years. I hadn’t really done anything but then I came back and we started challenging again.

“And again, it wasn’t down to me, I have to say I had a hand in it but I think for about four or five years, we had a really, really good side, a good solid base.

“We had a lot of experienced players and were bringing young players through. And just after that, after we won the league in 1997, the club went to the wall.

“They struggled money-wise and we had to rebuild after that.”

These days, Coyle’s only involvement with his old club is as part of the legends team who play regularly against the Glentoran legends, and in charity matches.

And he says while the silverware and the memories are priceless, it's the special friendships he made along the way which mean the most to him now.

“When players stop playing, they are forgotten about very quickly, but we play charity matches, and getting all the boys together again, it’s great craic,” he said.

“It just makes you realise how quickly it does go and how you wish you were 25 years younger."

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