Lions King: Many South Africans didn't rate Maro Itoje

Belfast Telegraph
Lions King: Many South Africans didn't rate Maro Itoje

Fun fact: did you know that some South Africans did not really rate Maro Itoje in that world-class category coming into this Lions series? Well, they will do now.

If the Red Army had been present then Cape Town would have been rocking until the early hours to the old chorus of 'Oh Maro Itoje'. Instead there was largely silence, thanks in part to the curfew but also because the Lions had knocked the stuffing out of the world champions. And leading the basting and roasting of the Springboks was Itoje, who not only physically bullied the bullies but pinched their lunch money too.

Until Saturday night, some South Africans – again a minority – have whispered that Itoje was a flat-track bully, bit of a show pony. Not done it against the Boks.

Certainly the second row has lacked a statement game against South Africa. The 2019 World Cup final came and went. The 2018 series here, Itoje stood out for his ill-discipline more than anything else. No doubt Warren Gatland took the time this week to remind Itoje of a few of those brickbats because he was a man on a mission here.

After the anthems, his final shoulder warm-up with Ken Owens was so intense it looked like it was going to dislocate both men’s shoulders. Then before kick-off, Itoje was the first player to take a knee – joined by Anthony Watson and his Rock Nation team-mate Siya Kolisi. It was Kolisi rather than Itoje who became the face of the World Cup courtesy of the Springboks victory and by extension the sport.

Itoje craves that sort of profile, being remembered as a Lions legend like Willie McBride or Martin Johnson or even reaching that rarefied air that Jonah Lomu briefly reached in this country 26 years ago. Even without fans in the stadium, this was his stage to announce himself as the defining star of the sport.

You frequently hear players claim that they individual battles do not really have a place in the modern game; with 30 players on the field, you rarely get the opportunity to go toe to toe with your opposite number. Make no mistake here, Itoje went hunting Eben Etzebeth, the Springbok physical tone-setter. He caught him early and flush.

They say elephants never forget. Well neither do Springboks. In the 15th minute, Etzebeth got his payback when Itoje received the ball in midfield. Like rhinos on heat, they collided with a frightening force but Itoje went high and Etzebeth won the collision. 

Wrapping his arms around Itoje, he ensured the tackle became a maul so when they came to the floor South Africa had the scrum. As he got up, Etzebeth deliberately used Itoje’s head for leverage and to let him know who was boss.

That just fired Itoje up even further. With the Lions on the back foot, he generated his own momentum, almost instantly winning a turnover on a stricken Cheslin Kolbe. Then came an even more important intervention as the Lions instantly turned over their new-found possession. From a Springbok maul, Kolisi got free and was brought down within a couple of yards of the line. Itoje though came round and through the gate and got his hands on the ball. Perhaps he was not supporting his bodyweight but referee Nic Berry awarded a penalty, which was effectively a try-saver.

Itoje was now fully hulked up as he rampaged over the field, smiting anything in green he got his hands on. Even in a first half in which the Lions made so many poor decisions, Itoje’s interventions ensured that they at least were in touching distance at nine points down. After halftime, the Lions cut out the brain fades and soon they became the dominant team.

Itoje was at the heart of the maul from which Luke Cowan-Dickie scored with Etzebeth swimming against a rip tide. Courtney Lawes took the baton from Itoje as the Lions’ physical standard bearer. For a player who was only added to the Lions squad at the last minute as the 37th man, it is amazing to think that this tour nearly passed him by.

Here he was in his element. Even if the Lions are not allowed out of their bubble at their Hermanus base, Lawes ensured he got the true safari experience by going big game hunting. Those green shirted monsters than ran over England in the World Cup final were suddenly being cut down to size by Lawes and Itoje. Remember Lawes has only done minimal contact training since he has been in South Africa because his body is so banged up.

Even when Owen Farrell put the Lions five points ahead with two minutes remaining, the game was not yet won. The Springboks gathered their own restart on the Lions 22 and already sirens were sounding loudly in homes up and down the British Isles. But in a sequence that may well come to define the series, Itoje instantly hit them behind the gainline, gaining five metres. Then came another tackle and as the Springboks were being driven back towards halfway, he forced the turnover that that sealed the result.

South Africa must now acknowledge Itoje: the Lion king.

Even big Bokke boys can be made to look frail

By Mick Cleary

So the world champions do have their vulnerabilities, the Bomb Squad can be defused. South Africa began the game as they had finished the 2019 World Cup final against England all those months (but only one match) ago, in their pomp, assured and productive. But they wilted, they cracked, they gave in to pressure, allowing their 12-3 half-time lead to slip and handing over the initiative. They finished ragged and error-pocked, a shell of their former selves, mere mortals unable to locate that happy place where all was harmonious.

South Africa has been suffering on so many fronts. This time, the Springboks could do nothing to alleviate that misery. Even one of their own, TMO Marius Jonker, could not come to their aid (not that he should, of course) denying them two tries on referral, the first of them a hugely contentious call.   

There had been a question mark hanging over the Springboks the size of Table Mountain - could they go the distance, could they sustain their pace and cohesion given their stark lack of match conditioning? The answer was quite simple and quite resounding - no. Not only had they only played one match together in 21 months, they had also had seven of the squad test positive for Covid. They were effectively playing a Test match in the second week of pre-season. It was an ask too far. The sight of peerless half-backs Faf de Klerk and Handre Pollard being replaced told its own tale. From cocks of the walk to feather dusters.

The magician with the dancing feet, Cheslin Kolbe, was criminally neglected by his own team who simply didn’t manage to get him into the game. It was like having Bruce Springsteen round your house for a party and listening to karaoke. What a waste.

South Africa had initially looked strong but they faded badly, giving away a soft penalty right at the start of the second half and crumbling thereafter. Their abysmal discipline after the break when they conceded six penalties in a 22-minute spell showed just how stretched they were, how those lungs must have been scorched. They had so little to offer. They couldn’t manage a toehold let alone a foothold.

It was a huge turnaround, the Lions edging in front for the first time when Dan Biggar knocked over his fourth penalty following that sixth transgression.

The Springboks have so often been more than a mere rugby team. Ever since the late Chester Williams was put forward as the face of the Nelson Mandela-inspired Rainbow Nation in 1995, the Boks have borne the political as well as spiritual hopes of a nation, a unifying symbol in a strife-burdened country.

Their defence is usually a reflection of their musketeer one-for-all mentality, pressing hard and together, smothering the Lions, forcing errors. In-your-face rugby yielded chances and up stepped fly-half Pollard to do the damage with the boot, landing four first-half penalties. Lukhanyo Am’s piledriver on Elliot Daly set the tone for South Africa’s no-surrender early defence.

Scrum-half De Klerk was, as ever, in the thick of the action. After a couple of wayward moments he became ever more influential, a ferret at every point of breakdown, digging, wriggling, a pest for the lot in red, a beacon for the green and gold.    

Their scrum did not do as big a hit-job on the opposition as they had managed against England in the World Cup final but their gamble of starting with almost a back-up front-row did not backfire. Props Ox Nche and Trevor Nyakane did their hard yakka as well great Bokke lumps of yore have done before them, knowing that they had to lay the foundations before the Bomb Squad Mk II was released from the bench en masse at half-time. But that second-half ploy did not work.

Pieter-Steph du Toit is a star without ego in this Springbok lineup, an unfussy grafter when he needs to be, a player capable of turning a game on its head as it looked as if he might have done when erupting upfield and creating the space from where De Klerk was to score.

The Springboks will grow stronger. That much is for sure. But so too will the Lions. South Africa are all too aware of their limitations. They lacked cohesion and clarity. But they will not have to look far in Cape Town to realise that you have to get everything right to scale a mountain.