Man Utd icon Gary Neville reveals SEVEN reasons Arsenal will not win Premier League as he backs experienced champs City

The Sun
Man Utd icon Gary Neville reveals SEVEN reasons Arsenal will not win Premier League as he backs experienced champs City

GARY NEVILLE has given SEVEN reasons why Manchester City will beat Arsenal to the Premier League title.

The Gunners hold a two-point lead over the defending champions and can go five clear with a win in their game in hand at home to Everton on Wednesday evening.

But Neville has repeatedly insisted Man City will eventually overhaul Mikel Arteta's team - and listed a host of reasons for Pep Guardiola's side being his favourites.

They include Arsenal finishing seasons poorly, playing in the Europa League, a lack of experience in title races, and the emotion they showed after the win over Aston Villa.

Speaking on The Overlap, he said: "Arsenal have struggled in latter parts of seasons, with last season the most recent example of this.

"This is why Manchester City will win the Premier League, because when it gets to the last ten games, Arsenal will start to panic a little bit, the anxiety will kick in, pressure builds.

"Playing in the Europa League, potentially travelling away from home on a Thursday and playing a league game on the Sunday, with everyone looking at you – at this point, Arsenal will wilt because they haven’t proven to anybody yet that they can go the distance.

"If Arsenal do it and win the league it will be an unbelievable achievement, but they haven’t been around the block like Manchester City.

"When it gets to the final ten games and it really kicks in – De Bruyne, Haaland, Dias, Gundogan, Bernardo Silva, Kyle Walker – these guys who have been there before, they’ll push on.

"But there are teams who get over the line for the first time and this could be the year for Arsenal."

He then went on to add: "It’s too much emotion, too early for Arsenal. To be that desperate and to celebrate that much with half the race still to go, it’s not a good thing.

"After the Aston Villa game, I can understand how big of a moment it was, but that level of celebration was quite desperate, quite early.

"There was a lot of celebrations at the end of the game. The emotions are something that’s a negative, it’s not a positive for me in a title race."

Arsenal are seeking a first Premier League title in 19 years.

By contrast, Man City have won four in the last five seasons.

Anything but a win for the Gunners against Everton would hand Guardiola's team the opportunity to move above them with victory over Newcastle on Saturday lunchtime.

Arsenal host Bournemouth later that same day.