Miami Marlins Fun Index

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Miami Marlins Fun Index

Mario DeGenz of Purple Row came up with the idea for a fun index in 2021. The index will be for the 2022 season. It will include the worst scenarios from the season and the things that make baseball fun. The Miami Marlins are currently leading the league in losses. They lost to the Philadelphia Phillies on Tuesday. Tanner Scott gave up a walk-off home run to Garrett Stubbs.

Mario's original idea and scoring system for his 2021 Rockies Fun Index is Miami Marlins Fun index.

The Miami Marlins Fun Index has a default score of 50/100. Certain things that happen during a game can add or deduct points to the score. The final score is put on a scale of x/10 for ease of use.

Mario's scoring method would give Saturday's win a 70/100. I'm going to adapt the scoring to add points when the team does good and subtract points for bad. The Miami Marlins have a poor offense and they have lost 37 games by one run. The game lasts under 2.5 hours and both SP get a decision.

Miami Marlins Fun Index is 50/100. Positive events include SP going 8+ IP, 6 or less combined pitchers used, game lasting under 2.5 hours, and final score difference is 3 runs. Negative events are go-ahead runs in 2nd or earlier, 20-24 combined strikeouts, no stolen base attempts, or no runs scored.

Marlins Twitter is full of jokes about the team's recent performance.

Mario created a fun index for the Rockies. Nicole Cahill suggests adding a few points for bad plays. The team might be more fun this season than Mario expected.