Mississippi House moves forward sports betting bill before deadline

The Clarion Ledger
Mississippi House moves forward sports betting bill before deadline

An amended version of a sports betting bill that included language creating a task force to study mobile sports wagering gained initial approval in a House committee Tuesday.

Supporters hope the bill could lead to full implementation of sports wagering next year.

The amended version of House Bill 606 passed the chamber's appropriations committee Tuesday, coming in just before the deadline when bills either gain committee approval or die. Two bills that would have outright legalized mobile betting met the latter fate.

If the bill gains approval of the full House and can make its way through the Senate, a Mobile Sports Betting Task Force would be established that could study the issue and recommend legislation next session, said the bill's sponsor Rep. Casey Eure, R-Saucier.

The task force would have nine members, including three appointed by the gaming committee in each legislative chamber. The other three members would be the executive director of the Mississippi Gaming Commission, the commissioner of the Department of Revenue and the executive director of the Mississippi Gaming and Hospitality Association, or individuals designated by those leaders.

"As you know, for the last several years we've been working on a mobile sports betting bill, and at this time we felt it was the proper thing to put this task force together, then hopefully come next year and have a good mobile sports betting bill that this House can pass," Eure said.

Currently in Mississippi, gamblers must be on casino property in order to place bets. Many within the industry, including Jackson Meadows, spokesperson for the Sports Betting Alliance, say it would be better, and more profitable for the state, to allow wagers to be placed from anywhere in the state.

"You can place bets out there on the golf course. You can place bets on anything that is their property. But as soon as you move off of it, you're not allowed to place those bets, which is in turn making the bookie business still boom. For a majority of people, the number one thing that sells is convenience," Meadows said. "Not being able to do the same things that my buddies in Louisiana can do, and Tennessee can do, it kind of takes away from the fun."

Meadows said it would be disappointing to lose out on a year's worth of revenue that legal sports betting would bring in, but it will be important to collect the data needed to truly understand the market.

"It passes a bill to set up a study committee to propose a plan for mobile sports betting. That's essentially what it does. If the committee does it right, there's no reason why we should not be able to place wagers for the next super bowl," Meadows said. "Next year, we plan on having this pushed on through. It does suck that we have to prolong it a little bit, but it will be worth it due to the data that right now no one really has, at least not to the extent that the legislators want to see."

Meadows said he expects the market for legal sports gambling to be massive, bringing in significant revenue to the state government, based on the fact that the small legal market that exists is already worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Many people who currently place illegal bets will do so legally if it is made convenient, he argues.

"I believe it was $740-something million that Mississippi generated in the year prior. If it was 740 legal, there's another 740 illegal, if not more, because of the convenience factor. If you've got a nice recliner at home, it's hard to beat," Meadows said.

Meadows said there are estimates that more than $1.5 trillion in illegal bets were placed worldwide last year. If Mississippi can rein in its share of that black market, it can see the rewards in tax revenue.

"Being able to fix infrastructure, being able to donate to schools, which is where the money needs to go in the first place, schools and infrastructure," Meadows said. "This alone is going to generate revenue to cover all of that and more."

After passing the House committees on gaming and appropriations before the deadline, the bill will now require passage in the full chamber, before going through the same process in the Senate.