MLB Insider Reveals Likely Plan For Rays Ace
MLB Insider Reveals Likely Plan For Rays Ace

The Tampa Bay Rays are famous for being a small-market team with one of the lowest payrolls in baseball.

However, they are different to other low payroll squads.

Many of these choose to rebuild for years and only go for it for a small window when the stars align for them.

However, the Rays have developed such a strong player development system that their depth can withstand trades, injuries, players leaving via free agency, suspensions, and more.

Still, and speaking of players who are nearing free agency and getting really expensive, they will likely trade those making more that they want to pay.

This is the case of starting pitcher Tyler Glasnow.

Glasnow was acquired by the Rays from the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Chris Archer trade.

Up to that point, he was highly inconsistent.

But the Rays found that diamond in the rough and made him an excellent pitcher, enjoying him for a few years.

Now, after making around $5 million in 2023, his salary will bump to $25 million in 2024.

That’s why the Rays want to flip him.

What are the odds of that happening?

An MLB insider used the word “definitely” when talking about a trade.

“Lots of trade chatter about Tyler Glasnow this offseason. Two execs told me they believe Tampa Bay will ‘definitely’ move its ace, who is set to earn $25 million in 2024,” Mark Feinsand tweeted.

Lots of trade chatter about Tyler Glasnow this offseason. Two execs told me they believe Tampa Bay will “definitely” move its ace, who is set to earn $25 million in 2024.

— Mark Feinsand (@Feinsand) November 21, 2023

For what it’s worth, Glasnow would make any rotation better despite his high salary.

In 2023, he had a 3.53 ERA and 162 strikeouts in just 120 innings.

He had major surgery and showed his ability to bounce back from it.

It will be an interesting offseason in Tampa, but Glasnow is all but gone.

Andres Chavez

Sportswriter, fantasy sports enthusiast. Covering MLB, NBA, and NFL from every possible angle.