MLB: Oakland A’s historic low season win total

For The Win
MLB: Oakland A’s historic low season win total

It’s fair to say that baseball fans aren’t expecting much from the Oakland Athletics this season. Oakland had a win total of 59.5 at sportsbooks last yeae, and after starting the season a robust 4-18, the A’s comfortably finished under that total — ending up with a record of 50-112.

With turmoil surrounding a potential franchise move to Las Vegas, and a roster without many name players for casual fans, it’s expected to be another long summer for the A’s. But just how bad will it get?

The Athletics currently have a win total of just 56.5 at sportsbooks, which is the lowest for any MLB team since at least 1990, according to the Sports Odds History’s database — which only goes back to that year.

Even for a team in the A’s that likely has the worst roster in baseball — and has gone under its win total in each of the past three seasons — it’s a very low bar to clear in terms of wins.

Are you betting over or under on Oakland?