Mobile sports betting under scrutiny on eve of Massachusetts launch

CBS News
Mobile sports betting under scrutiny on eve of Massachusetts launch

BOSTON - Just as mobile sports betting is about to go live in Massachusetts, some FanDuel advertisements have been pulled. The State Gaming Commission is looking into whether they violated state regulations for betting promotions. One ad referenced pre-loaded credit cards, and another touted free bets. That's something that's not allowed in Massachusetts gaming ads. 

"All these free bets you're seeing, it's to lure you in and keep you hooked, constantly keeping you in action, and a whole bunch of those folks are going to experience life-changing financial losses," said Les Bernal, with the group Stop Predatory Gambling. 

FanDuel did not respond to our requests for comment. Mobile sports betting apps are set to go live at 10:00 Friday morning. 

Members of the state Attorney General's Office testified before the Commission, expressing concerns about young people falling into dangerous gambling habits. "Inundated with advertising, one student realizes a referral bonus is available. Within hours a dorm full of students have downloaded the apps," said Assistant State Attorney General Patrick Moore. "This weekend's activity is sports betting," he added.

"I started gambling when I was 13 years old. I placed a $5 bet," said Gary Schneider a recovered gambling addict who lives in New Jersey, where mobile sports betting has been legal for a few years. "Came to a point, the New York bookmaker had to ask me, do you know how much you placed to bet this week? I said no I didn't have any idea. And he said you bet over $250,000." 

He said he became isolated and suicidal, and now worries kids in Massachusetts could end up on the same path. 

"The vast overwhelming majority of people are going to lose enormous sums of money," said Bernal. "Most of them are young men under the age of 35 and particularly teenagers who are getting hooked on this stuff." 

Christina Hager

Christina Hager is an Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter with the I-Team at WBZ-TV News. She has spent more than two decades covering major breaking news events across the country, including extensive daily coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.