Munster finally end their long walk to freedom by delivering URC glory

Munster finally end their long walk to freedom by delivering URC glory

Munster exorcised a decade of hurt and frustration to deliver against the odds on foreign soil.

That the Reds were deserved URC winners in the Stormers back yard in Cape Town is not in doubt, there is hardly a match statistic that went against Graham Rowntree’s side.

But it still needed a converted John Hodnett try six minutes from full-time to allow long-serving captain Peter O’Mahony collect the big bin of a trophy in front of a delighted 2,500 Munster fans in the 55,000 attendance.

Alone and as it stands, the Brave and the Faithful have had their share of the glory in foreign settings.

But there is a corner of the Newlands pitch that will forever be uninhibitedly red ...

A 2023 URC title adding to past glories such as Bordeaux 2000, Beziers 2002, Lansdowne Road 2006 and Coventry 2008, away venues featuring Heineken wins against Toulouse, Castres, Leinster and Saracens respectively.

Those wins, in particular, franked by having led to Heineken finals, delivering the trophy in Cardiff against Biarritz 2006 and Toulouse 2008.

This time though, it was the culmination of a forced march that saw Munster undefeated in five games on the spin, beginning in Cape Town, moving on to Durban, Glasgow, Dublin and finishing, on Saturday, in Cape Town.


Tries from Diarmuid Barron in the 10th minute and Hodnett in the 75th, combined with Calvin Nash’s 29th minute crossing, contributed to the 19-14 tally.

Consider this too; Ireland don’t win much in the southern hemisphere.

The 2022 series win against the All Blacks in New Zealand was a remarkable achievement.

Saturday’s brilliantly conceived win, coming as it did at club level, is a unique achievement.

That it follows on from such depths as the Tony McGahan (2008-12) fall from grace, a fed-up Rob Penney (2012-14) choosing to leave, the tragedy of Anthony Foley’s passing (2016), Rassie Erasmus (2016-18) indecent haste to jump ship and the stultifying Johann van Graan (2017-22) stretch, makes the bonfire all the more worthy.

This came from a coach, Graham Rowntree, who, worried the job had come too early for him, had thought long and hard before even applying for the post.

But, in what was maybe the biggest stroke of real-time homework, he didn’t apply until he had approached and established that Denis Leamy, who had tried coaching his hand at Leinster, was ever so keen to come on board.

Moreover, what happened next was so bordering on calamity — five losses in the opening seven URC games — it almost ranks as anecdotal.

But there was no panic, no compromise; never had a coaching team been so serious when they said they wanted to change training, levels of weight-versus-mobility fitness, and style of play.

Suddenly, circa November 2022, Munster changed a losing habit to begin winning games and there followed a slow crawl up the table that would see then finish fifth, take a quarter-final in Glasgow, spring a late, late Jack Crowley drop-goal on Leinster in the semis before defeating red-hot favourites Stormers in the final.

The specifics in the team on Sunday were just that, ‘team’ was the key.


The idea of the smaller units playing together, their understanding of each other, stands out as the single most important central theme of the Munster win, and by a long, long way.

Starsport on Saturday had noted of the Man of the Match ‘tough as teak John Hodnett’s career has been going from strength to strength and ... he should have been capped by Ireland now’.

Yet his interaction as part of a fluid back-row where O’Mahony was immense before being forced off with an injury in the 34th minutes, where Tadhg Beirne moving back from second-row to back-row was seamlessly brilliant, and where Gavin Coombes of the endless carries into heavy traffic was only just touched off for Man of the Match, was a feature.

In the centre former All Black current Tonga star Malakai Fekitoa was Munster’s best back-line attacker, working incredibly hard with ball in hand, while Antoine Frisch was their best back-line defender — it was an important, dominant, double act.

Munster’s front-row is historically used to compliments but, maybe, not through the last decade or so.

Yet opening against two RWC 2019 winning props and a current Springbok hooker (Kitshoff, Dweba, Malherbe) the set-piece platform and back-up around the pitch effort of Jeremy Loughman, Stephen Archer and Barron can stand up to close scrutiny.

It would be criminally remiss, too, not to single out Barron’s they-shall-not-pass defence

The half-backs were exceptional as, once again, the use of Conor Murray with Craig Casey as his foil was seen to best effect, while the level of intrigue surrounding the No 10 shirt, played out as a spy novel behind the scenes with many plot twists, got the desired result.

There was a sense Rowntree’s decision to pull the plug on Joey Carbery, who had started ten and been a sub in two of Munster’s first 16 URC games, was debated long and hard.


It may even have been against national coach Andy Farrell’s express wishes as RWC2023 planning was well in the pipeline.

But Carbery’s hasn’t been seen since starting the 25 February loss to Glasgow and as a sub in the following week’s Heineken Cup loss to Sharks.

Rather the Wyatt Earp-lime moustached Crowley was handed the later season reins, asked to handle the shoot-out from therein.

Farrell may end up thanking Rowntree for his decisiveness as, with Ross Byrne’s almost no-show in the second-half against La Rochelle, there was little doubting Crowley was impressive; he is loud and Sexton-ish, he is also young, fit, kicks the ball a mile and can tackle.

The Munster out-half has booked his place in the squad for the looming Rugby World Cup and will be used a lot earlier from the bench than Byrne most recently and Carbery previously.

The back-three also functioned exceptionally well in Cape Town, not least as they caught almost everything coming from the skies.

Mike Haley’s ability to beat the first tackle on first return in traffic is a slippery skill, while Nash’s pace for the try was remarkable,

Moreover, while Shane Daly remains the singular most improved Irish back, it would be unfair to say he went from 0-100mph this season as he has been ever-present as a starter in this competition since round five, but his 160 minutes over the semi-final and final make him a RWC2023 contender.

Jean Kleyn’s selfless 68 minutes was worth considering in a game where Munster needed beef on the hoof and which was, of course, augmented as RG Snyman came on when O’Mahony was injured and Beirne was moved to the back-row.

Otherwise there were the front-row changes and Ben Healy coming in (for Frisch) on the hour, with Casey and Kendellan held until a little later. Keith Earls, given the last 11 minutes, put in an exceptionally busy cameo.

The Munster coaching staff, the players, the fans all stand tall in the wake of what’s been an incredible adventure, a throwback, pointing to what they must hope is a far brighter future following a decade of darkness.

The Mother City has delivered a bouncing baby indeed, it will be fascinating to see how it grows.