New Zealand Sevens: Rugby Canada strong, but not strong enough

The Province
New Zealand Sevens: Rugby Canada strong, but not strong enough

Entering the day’s play, Canada was matched up against New Zealand. It was the second tournament in a row that the two countries met in the knock-out stages – the All Blacks remain the bogeyman. As they did at the USA Sevens in Las Vegas, the New Zealanders punished Canadian mistakes.

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Cup quarterfinal: NEW ZEALAND 24 CANADA 0

New Zealand plays rugby like how Tom Kazansky flies an airplane: ice cold, no mistakes. They are the Ice Man of the IRB Sevens Series.

But despite all that, Canada came in feeling confident. They’d dominated their pool, and were coming off an impressive third-place finish. They had their full squad back.

But it just wasn’t to be. Again.

In atrocious conditions, Canada made two crucial errors in the first half. They were punished each time by the All Blacks.

The opening half was full of Canadian jitters, as the All Blacks kept Canada on their heels. The ball barely left the Canadian half.

At half time, Canada seemed to steady themselves. They came out gang busters in the second half, but a pair of questionable penalties deflated their efforts. Another error came and another try to New Zealand. Canada was done.

A late scrambling score made it 24-0. It was on to the plate semis vs Samoa.

Plate semi final CANADA 27 SAMOA 0

At least we know that Canada doesn’t spend much time smarting about losses to New Zealand; for the second tournament in a row, it was Samoa that bore the brunt of Canada’s anger.

The Samoans never stood a chance.

In driving rain, Canada scored five tries, demolishing the Pacific Islanders 27-0 in the plate semi final.

John Moonlight scored an opening try by blasting through the Samoan defence, as he always does. He scored moments later, this time using a dose of pace on top of his power. It was 10-0 and already the Samoans looked lost.

Conor Trainor got in on the act late in the first half, blitzing over the line – he’s had an impressive weekend and looks to have rediscovered his deft running lines from seasons past.

The second half was more Canadian domination as they minimized mistakes while using the width of the park to keep Samoa on the back foot. Trainor added another, and so did Harry Jones.

It was fair to say, Canada were the odds-on favourite against Australia in the plate final.

Plate final AUSTRALIA 12 CANADA 10

Sometimes it’s just a step too far. Or a missing sub. Or a bounce. Or just not enough gas.

Whatever it was, something befell Canada in the second half of the New Zealand Sevens plate final. With four minutes to play, Canada looked well in controal. Sean Duke was back on form, having scored two tries.

But then it all went sideways. In atrocious conditions, no one could keep the ball in hand. Australia looked to have lost the ball in a tackle, but the officials rightly spotted a swat away by Nanyak Dala. In the ensuing chaos, Harry Jones attempted to boot the ball but the bounce wasn’t true. Instead, he missed it completely and the ball rolled in-goal. Con Foley got his hand on the ball and like that, it was 10-5. Australia had a chance.

But even then, they had to get the ball back. They did. Then Canada looked out of gas. In hindsight, would Geraint John wish he’d brought a sub or two on? Maybe. But his men had been so strong all weekend (and who knows the true health status of his bench) so you can’t blame him for sticking with what had worked.

The truth is, Canada started conceding penalties. The game was going the wrong way. Finally, with seconds to play, Australia was camped on the Canadian line. Jones was sent off to the sin bin – Canada had conceded too many penalties in a row – and the Aussies worked the ball right-to-left-to-right. Ed Jenkins took the ball up straight and you knew he’d grounded it close enough to the posts that kicker Cameron Clark would probably nail the conversion and the win. He’s done it enough times before, after all.

And he did. It was joy for Australia, despair for Canada.

The positive? The sixth place finish gave the Red and White enough points to move up to ninth overall, just four points back of Kenya.

They’ll head to Japan as again a favourite to move on to the cup round; now they know where their squad is at too.