Newcastle United release Sandro Tonali statement in relation to illegal betting investigation

Daily Star
Newcastle United release Sandro Tonali statement in relation to illegal betting investigation

Newcastle United have issued a statement in relation to the illegal betting investigation opened into summer signing Sandro Tonali.

The Italian midfielder was recently sent home from international duty after the Italian Prosecutor's Office and Italian Football Federation (FIGC) opened up an investigation into alleged illegal betting activity. Tonali joined the club in a mega-money move from AC Milan in the summer transfer window and has already made seven Premier League appearances, contributing one goal.

However, Tonali could be set for a lengthy suspension as he has reportedly admitted to betting on matches while he was playing for AC Milan. In response to the allegations, the midfielder's club has issued a statement of their own.

"Newcastle United can confirm that Sandro Tonali is subject to investigation by the Italian Prosecutor’s Office and Italian Football Federation (FIGC) in relation to illegal betting activity," a statement from the club said. "Sandro is fully engaging with the investigation and will continue to cooperate with all relevant authorities.

"He and his family will continue to receive the club's full support. Due to this ongoing process, Sandro and Newcastle United are unable to offer further comment at this time."

On Tuesday, Tonali admitted to placing bets on Milan to win games while he was turning out for the club at the San Siro. When he was not playing, he also reportedly placed wagers on matches he was not involved in.

Tonali's agent Giuseppe Riso told the Times the Italian international is currently battling a gambling addiction. He said: "Sandro is shocked. I hope this experience will help save his life and also the lives of others with his same addictions, including all those young people who are starting to struggle with this addiction.

"Sandro is playing the most important game of his life, against gambling addiction; he won a lot of big games in his life and I’m sure he’ll win this one too. Sandro is training and is available for selection. Technically he can play on Saturday. He trained yesterday – he said that one hour and a half on the field helped him take his mind off the whole situation and, once again, Newcastle has been very supportive and trying to help him.”

Juventus midfielder Nicolo Fagioli has already been handed a seven-month suspension by the Italian Football Federation for breaching betting rules, while Aston Villa forward Nicolo Zaniolo is also being investigated by the Turin Public Prosecutor's Office into illegal betting.