‘No liquid paper': Matt Hill on calling the race that stops the nation

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‘No liquid paper': Matt Hill on calling the race that stops the nation

Eminem's 'Lose Yourself' is the soundtrack to Matt Hill's Melbourne Cup Day. Hill is calling the race at Flemington on Tuesday. The call magnifies the emotion of a Melbourne cup win or spur the adulation of the newly crowned champion.

Matt Hill is a racecaller for Victoria. Tuesday's Melbourne Cup is his sixth. Vow And Declare won the race. Bill Collins' "Kingston Town can't win" line still comes up 40 years later. Greg Miles' famous call, "a champion, becomes a legend" when Makybe Diva won in 2005, and Michelle Payne's "it's history at Flemington, Michelle" in 2015.

Matt Hill is calling the 2019 Lexus Melbourne Cup. He is Melbourne-born and his dream was to call the race. Hill has made an impression on Australian sports fans with his impeccable delivery and superb preparation. The Melbourne Cups are unpredictable and unpredictable. Hill's primary aim is to get the call and the result right. On Sunday night he tries to sleep well. It's hard to do on Melbourne cups Eve. His preparation started from the moment he arrived home from Saturday's Victoria Derby meeting.

Matt Hill is calling the Melbourne Cup on Cup Eve. He will be at Flemington at 7:30 am. The race starts at 10: 30 am and is the seventh race on a 10-race card. Hill will learn the colours carried by the jockeys of six groups of horses before the main event. He takes Panadol to calm his mind. It's important to forget about the previous race and reload.

Matt Hill is calling the Melbourne Cup for the TV coverage. He tries to keep his mind and body focused in the hour before the race. Hill tries not to get caught up in what's going on downstairs. There is an estimated 20 million people watching the event. The horses sense something big is happening and their senses heighten. There are 65 minutes between the preceding race and the actual race at the big event, which gives jockeys and trainers time to think. It also gives the horses more time for preparation.

Matt Hill will call the Melbourne Cup at Flemington on Tuesday. Hill is a perfectionist and he's not satisfied with his performance in the broadcast box. He's never satisfied after the race. He is not happy with the results of the races. There are three more races after Melbourne. The audience won't know if Hill has backed the winner. His self-criticism is severe. Bruce McAvaney said that he will never leave a broadcast booth happy.