No satisfaction for US brewer that used Rolling Stones in legal battle with Burton beer firm

Staffordshire Live
No satisfaction for US brewer that used Rolling Stones in legal battle with Burton beer firm

A Californian brewery tried to use The Rolling Stones to win a legal battle with a Burton pub company.

The Stone Brewing in San Diego has been at odds with Burton-based Molson Coors for seven years because the US firm wanted to trademark its name in Europe.

But Molson Coors fought the bid because it owns the Stones bitter, and said people would confuse the two brands.

In the ensuing legal battle - which has now been settled in the European Courts of Justice - the Californian brewery’s case hinged in part on an argument based around the Rolling Stones.

It argued that a share of the British public was more likely to think of the veteran rock and blues band - famous for hits including Satisfaction and You Can’t Always Get What You Want - than the mid-market bitter when they heard the word ‘Stones’.

But Stone Brewing failed to convince the judges. And after seven years of applications, legal arguments and appeals, it’s all over now.

The firm - whose website boasts that it “helped kickstart a craft beer revolution in the US” - made several arguments for why it should be allowed to trademark Stone Brewing in Europe.

Among them was a claim that Molson Coors had not provided “sufficient evidence of genuine use” of the Stones bitter brand - which has been around since 1948 and which was the sponsor of Rugby League and The Superleague in the 1980s and 1990s.

But that was rejected, along with the claim that “the element ‘Stones’ of the earlier (Molson Coors-owned) trademark will be perceived by a part of the English public as the music band ‘The Rolling Stones’ or the surname ‘Stones’, whereas the trademark applied for Stone Brewing is perceived a reference to the object ‘ stone’.”

In their judgement, the European judges ruled the argument “cannot succeed”.

They said: “The applicant does not explain why … the English public would understand the simplest and immediate meaning of the element ‘stone’, whereas, as regards the earlier sign, the same plural element would be understood differently as a proper name.

“Moreover, even if part of the relevant public might consider the element ‘stones’ refers to that band or to a surname, the fact remains that another part of the public might consider that it refers to ‘stones’.”

Summing up, the judges ruled that “in view of the high degree of visual, phonetic and conceptual similarity of the signs at issue, the identity of the goods concerned, and the normal level of inherent distinctiveness of the earlier trademark, there was a likelihood of confusion”.

They ordered Stone Brewing Co. to pay Molson Coors’ legal costs.