now Rugby World Cup has divided our household'

now Rugby World Cup has divided our household'

England meet South Africa in the semi-finals of the Rugby World Cup on Saturday, hours after the two nations face off in a crucial clash at the Cricket World Cup in a remarkable double-header

England coach Borthwick has faith in officials being able to spot any South Africa mischief

Whatever happens, this is a no-win for me.

‌Our house will be divided over Saturday’s Rugby World Cup semi-final with my South African wife Heather supporting her country and me praying for England. And to make matters worse, our two daughters will be rooting for South Africa too so I’ve got absolutely no chance.

‌Four years ago for the World Cup final, they all dressed up in flags, did face painting in South African colours - and then rubbed my nose in it when England lost. I remember that time as England being favourites. They were supposed to win after playing so well in the semi-final - and duly got trounced.

‌This time, England are huge underdogs. South Africa look nailed-on to win but, even if there’s an upset, they’ll make sure I’m persona non grata at home. See? It’s a no-win.

It did make me laugh this week to read Ellis Genge say that everyone wants England to lose. Are you sure?! I’ve been cheering every England game and I’ve loved this World Cup. Absolutely loved it.

Football is my first love (sorry, Heather). But this World Cup has been so good. Full of good stories, upsets and terrific matches. The quarter-finals alone served up two classic encounters. Ireland vs New Zealand and South Africa vs France were amazing.

‌But I was also jumping around the room when England beat Fiji. A couple of weeks earlier, I was cursing a radio commentary when I thought Matt Dawson was so unbelievably negative. I’m sure he was right, but when you’re a fan rather than an expert you just want your team to win.

My wife Heather is South African and a huge rugby fan
Our girls have also followed their mother by cheering on the Springboks

However, none of this matches the South African passion for sport. I love it. They back their team and their players no matter what.

‌I have no doubt my dear South Africans will be loud, cheering and full of pride. Our girls have even been practising their best Afrikaans. They’ve got NikNaks and boerewors ready.

And even if my daughters are not supporting South Africa, they’d rather support Sweden than England because of a Swedish grandmother. I blame Brexit!

‌So, how can I cope with such a thankless task? Go to the football, of course! I’m at Chelsea vs Arsenal to escape my house.