Ogilvie Under Fire Over Racing Integrity

Ogilvie Under Fire Over Racing Integrity

by Adam Langenberg, ABC, 27 March 2023

Probe needed into Ben Yole harness racing stable allegations and Office of Racing Integrity, Tasmanian opposition says

An independent investigation is urgently needed into Tasmania’s racing watchdog and how it handled allegations of race fixing and team driving by the state’s leading harness racing stable, political parties say.

Industry participants also alleged their concerns were not sufficiently investigated by stewards and the Office of Racing Integrity (ORI).

Media release – Madeleine Ogilvie, Minister for Racing, 26 March 2023

Upholding the integrity of Tasmania’s racing industry

The Rockliff Liberal Government is committed to upholding the integrity of Tasmania’s racing industry.

“We take all allegations of integrity and animal welfare very seriously,” Minister Ogilvie said.

“Many of the matters reported today have been the subject of ORI and RSPCA investigation. The allegations are very concerning”.

“While the Office of Racing Integrity (ORI) as the regulatory body, and the Director of Racing, are well equipped to investigate allegations of rule breaches, the integrity of racing is paramount”.

“I have now asked ORI to immediately and carefully review the information included in the media report to determine what additional investigations may be required.”

The Minister said the Government is already taking action to strengthen and enhance integrity functions, as well as animal welfare.

“The Government is progressing the recommendations from the independent review of the Racing Regulation Act 2004, led by independent expert Mr. Dale Monteith,’ the Minister said.

“Legislation is being prepared to create a Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner with powers to set integrity and animal welfare standards and comprehensive audit, compliance, and investigatory functions.

“New legislation will also provide a key role for the RSPCA in animal welfare assurance and retains the power for independent investigation of animal welfare matters.

“In relation to specific matters raised in recent days, Tasracing has communicated to industry a proposed Equity in Participation rule, which will see a limited number of horses able to be entered in pre-determined races from any one stable.

“The Office of Racing Integrity will also employ a betting analyst to assist across all three codes of racing, to provide ‘real-time’ access to information to assist stewards in their inquiries, as well as providing the opportunity to proactively review trends in relation to betting on Tasmanian racing.”

Cassy O’Connor MP, Greens Leader, 26 March 2023

Independent Investigation Needed for Racing Industry Claims

Racing Minister Madeleine Ogilvie must initiate an immediate, independent investigation into allegations of race fixing and animal cruelty by harness trainer Ben Yole.

The ABC has this morning reported a number of shocking allegations made about Mr Yole by people inside the racing industry. In many cases it’s claimed the Office of Racing Integrity has failed to respond with even the most basic of actions.

It’s clear Tasracing and the Office of Racing Integrity are either captured or too afraid to take on the state’s biggest harness race trainer.

These extremely serious allegations must be taken out of their hands and thoroughly, independently investigated. That is the only way Tasmanians can have any confidence these issues are being examined with the rigour and impartiality they deserve.

Madeleine Ogilvie needs to immediately open an independent investigation into this matter. She also needs to explain why for months she’s refused to act on concerns about cheating and animal cruelty in the racing industry.

Both animal welfare advocates and industry participants have been sounding the alarm about the serious problems in racing, but the Minister hasn’t lifted a finger.

This is what you get when you have a Minister whose only apparent interest is in photo opportunities and fashions on the field.

Dean Winter MP, Shadow Minister for Racing, 26 March 2023

Madeleine Ogilvie must go

For the sake of Tasmanian racing, Jeremy Rockliff must sack Madeleine Ogilvie today.

Her ongoing stewardship of Tasmanian racing is untenable. Madeleine Ogilvie is an unmitigated failure as Minister for Racing, seemingly having not a single clue what is going in the industry and has – once again – said she has full confidence in the Office of Racing Integrity, which is completely and utterly broken.

On Wednesday this week, in full knowledge of the allegations that have now been publicly aired, Minister Ogilvie said “…racing has never been in better shape.”

Four days later Tasmanian harness racing faces perhaps its darkest day.

If she is not gone by Tuesday we will move no confidence in her again. We have no choice.

We have to do it for the racing participants and for the welfare of the animals the industry is built around.

The situation in Tasmanian racing is now absolutely beyond comprehension. We have a Steward, still employed by the Office of Racing Integrity, effectively saying she reported potential race fixing to the Director of Racing, who did nothing about it.

We have respected trainer, Kent Rattray, calling out publicly what trainers have been saying privately for two months now about meetings in Burnie where an overwhelming case for an inquiry is there for all to see on the vision. But the Director of Racing did not investigate that either.

The Director of Racing, Justin Helmich, was appointed by the Liberal Government following the Tasmania Cup debacle of 2021 and the earlier standing down of the former Acting Director of Racing following his handling of the Tasmania Cup incident.

Arguably, things have actually got worse under Mr Helmich and these allegations reflect arguably the lowest point in Tasmanian harness racing in history.

Mr Helmich had no experience in racing. He was handpicked having been a Ministerial advisor in this Liberal Government.

Mr Helmich should resign.

The Liberals like to say they are the strongest supporters of racing. If they are they will act to save the industry from an incompetent Minister and failed Director of Racing.

Media release – Dean Winter MP, Shadow Minister for Racing, 27 March 2023

Premier doing Minister’s job, now she must go

On the 22nd of March 2023, just last week, Racing Minister Madeleine Ogilvie stated in Parliament, “racing has never been in better shape.”

What a terrible lie that was.

Last night’s story into the allegations surrounding the Tasmanian harness racing industry and the complete ineptitude of the Office of Racing Integrity have highlighted the most serious integrity allegations possible.

Yesterday, Ms Ogilvie announced ORI would review its own performance. It was so completely incompetent it was difficult to believe .

Less than 24 hours later we have the Premier stepping in and doing her job by announcing an independent review.

By intervening, the Premier is demonstrating that he does not have confidence in his Minister to do the basics of her job.

This is despite the release of the Monteith Report just last year making a number of recommendations, most of which have not been implemented.

This Minister’s inability to take responsibility and uphold the integrity of the industry is leading to its downfall.

Issues within the racing industry were brought to Tasracing and the Minister last year by harness trainers, and they were ignored.

Just last week Jeremy Rockliff stated, “I have full confidence in all my Ministers.”

I wonder if he is fool enough to reiterate his confidence in Ms Ogilvie.

She has proven beyond doubt she is incapable of running her portfolio, and lacks the ability to clean up and support Tasmania’s racing industry.

There still remains unanswered questions surrounding the stewardship and management of many key positions across Tasracing.

We have a Steward, still employed by the Office of Racing Integrity, effectively saying she reported potential race fixing to the Director of Racing, Justin Helmich, who did nothing about it.

Madeleine Ogilvie is an unmitigated failure as Minister for Racing, seemingly having not a single clue what is going in the industry and has – once again – said she has full confidence in the Office of Racing Integrity, which is completely and utterly broken.

Her ongoing stewardship of Tasmanian racing is untenable.

The industry needs to be saved from this incompetent Minister.