Phil Mickelson denies betting on 2012 Ryder Cup while playing

Phil Mickelson denies betting on 2012 Ryder Cup while playing

Phil Mickelson has denied claims that he wanted to place bets on the 2012 Ryder Cup while he was playing.

The accusations have come from an upcoming book by Billy Walters which recounts details of bets that he and Mickelson made together, including Mickelson asking Walters to bet $400,000 on Team USA winning.

In a nutshell

Three-time Masters winner Phil Mickelson has denied claims that he wanted to place bets while playing in the 2012 Ryder Cup.

In his upcoming book Gambler: Secrets from a Life at Risk, Billy Walter - an American entrepreneur and professional gambler - writes of the bets that himself and Mickelson formerly made together, which included the $400,000 for a US win.

Walters declined and wrote that he "had no idea" if Mickelson made the bets in the end, as Europe went on to win that year's Ryder Cup by a single point having been dow 10 to 6.

Mickelson has denied these claims in a post he made to his social media accounts.

He said: "I never bet on the Ryder Cup.

"While it is well known that I always enjoy a friendly wager on the course, I would never undermine the integrity of the game. I have also been very open about my gambling addiction.

"I have previously conveyed my remorse, took responsibility, have gotten help, have been fully committed to therapy that has positively impacted me, and I feel good about where I am now."

Before the first LIV event last year, the six-time major winner told Sports Illustrated that he was embarrassed by his "reckless" gambling, but he insisted that joining LIV had nothing to do with any sort of financial difficulty.

The 53-year-old said: "My family and I are and have been financially secure for some time.

"My gambling got to a point of being reckless and embarrassing. I had to address it. And I've been addressing it for a number of years. And for hundreds of hours of therapy.

"Gambling has been part of my life ever since I can remember but about a decade ago is when I would say it became reckless. It isn't a threat to me or my financial security. It was just a number of poor decisions."