Possible Gambling Sponsor Ban Doesn’t Worry Leeds

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct
Possible Gambling Sponsor Ban Doesn’t Worry Leeds

There are concerns about the amount of exposure gambling companies get in the English Premier League. The government is considering a ban on shirt sponsorship by betting organisations. Leeds United have another deal in pipeline.

The government is considering changing gambling regulations to address problem gambling in 2022. Many expect this to result in wholesale changes, including where gambling companies are allowed to be advertised.

Government white paper is expected to ban front of shirt sponsorship deals in sport. Premier League clubs generate significant revenue by providing betting companies with real estate to advertise their brands on the front. Clubs have been asked to voluntarily phase out sponsorship over the next three years. Leeds are not worried about the ban.

Leeds United has a front-of-shirt deal with SBOTOP. Premier League has suggested to the government that sleeve sponsorship be allowed to continue if front of the shirt advertising is eradicated. Leeds are in talks with their existing partner about shifting to a sleeve deal.