Prince Harry and Meghan Markle say they were in 'near catastrophic car chase' in New York

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle say they were in 'near catastrophic car chase' in New York

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have released a statement saying they and her mum Doria were involved in a "near catastrophic car chase" involving their yellow cab taxi and US paparazzi.

The couple were seen at their first public event since the King's coronation as Meghan attended the Ms Foundation for Women’s 50th-anniversary gala event with Harry and her mum Doria Ragland.

The incident happened after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left the awards ceremony in New York on Tuesday night.

In a statement, the prince's spokesperson said the "relentless pursuit" lasted more than two hours by half a dozen vehicles.

They added it resulted in near collisions with other drivers on the road, pedestrians and police officers.

The couple is said to be "extremely upset and shaken". At the same time, Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, 66, was particularly "terrified" by the ordeal.

It is understood that Harry and Meghan believe the pursuit could have been fatal, as they say it involved six blacked-out vehicles with unidentified people driving recklessly and endangering the convoy and everyone around them.

And a member of Harry’s security detail involved in the chase said the pursuit left the Prince and his wife “scared” and “exhausted”.

A spokesperson for the Duke and Duchess said: "Last night, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Ms Ragland were involved in a near catastrophic car chase at the hands of a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi.

"This relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD (New York Police Department) officers.

“While being a public figure comes with a level of interest from the public, it should never come at the cost of anyone’s safety.

“Dissemination of these images, given the ways in which they were obtained, encourages a highly intrusive practice that is dangerous to all involved.”

The couple left the awards in their SUV with a police escort, but as paparazzi followed on motorbikes, cars and electric scooters, they diverted to NYPD’s 19th Precinct on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

Once outside, they used the SUV and following police vehicles to block off the road and switched the couple into a yellow taxi cab.

However, those on scooters and motorbikes were still able to follow.

After trying to take brief refuge at the 19th Precinct, the couple’s security team hoped they would fool the paparazzi by placing them into a cab.

However, the move backfired due to the Duchess’s bright gold dress.

A source told The Mirror: “They tried to discreetly hide the couple from the snappers, but Meghan’s outfit stuck out a mile.

“Rather than throw something over her to cover it, it was so visible they spotted it straight away.”

After driving around the streets of New York, the couple are said to have made it back to their friend's house around 12.15am yesterday.

A member of Harry’s security detail said the pursuit left the Duke and Duchess “scared” and “exhausted”.

Chris Sanchez said: “I have never seen, experienced anything like this. What we were dealing with was very chaotic. There were about a dozen vehicles: cars, scooters and bicycles.

“The public was in jeopardy at several points. It could have been fatal. They were jumping curbs and red lights. At one point, they blocked the limousine (carrying the couple) and started taking pictures until we were able to get out.”

Sanchez said he “was concerned about the principals (Prince Harry and Meghan) but more about the public because they (the paparazzi) were being so erratic.”

He added: “People were on sidewalks and crossing streets, and the (paparazzi) were crossing red lights. We did everything by the letter of law.”

After the incident, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex “were scared, exhausted, but relieved to be back,” he added.

According to an eyewitness, at one point, the driver of the cab was spoken to police after he was caught up in the melee.

The source said: “As Harry, Meghan and Doria sat in the back of the cab, their taxi became stuck in traffic.

“It was at this moment several snappers who had followed them began to take pictures of them.

“At one point, two police cars were several vehicles behind their taxi with the lights and sirens on, but they were attending another call, not realising what was developing in front.”

The couple are said to be staying in New York with “friends”.

Sources said Harry’s security detail had launched a probe into the incident to “evaluate the events” that led up to the couple being pursued.

The trio were pursued after leaving the Ziegfeld Theatre in midtown Manhattan where the former actress, 41, was honoured at the Women of Vision Awards.

After climbing into the back of a yellow cab with Meghan in the middle around 10pm, their vehicle was followed by around 12 paparazzi.

No photographers at the event were commissioned by this newspaper.

As the couple began to be followed, their taxi driver opted not to remain in place but tried to lose the photographers.

One cameraman allegedly hit a car in the pursuit, while another almost ran over a police officer.

At least one of those following is said to have run a red light, reversed down a one-way street and mounted the pavement.

Despite a warning from uniformed officers not to continue, four paparazzi ignored their warnings.

During the incident, Harry, 38, captured the following photographers with his iPhone camera while one of the couple's security sat in the front passenger seat.

The couple say they accept a heightened level of attention when they are at public events, it is understood, and in this case they exited and entered the venue publicly, allowing photographers to get pictures.

The couple say the family was staying at a private residence and did not want to compromise the security of their friend’s home, it is understood.

It is said that traffic violations included driving on the pavement and through red lights, reversing down a one-way street, illegally blocking a moving vehicle and driving while photographing and while on the phone.

In addition, it is also said that while those involved were confronted by uniformed police multiple times, they continued the pursuit, and that there is footage taken from security along with other evidence to support these allegations.

The New York Police Department said in a statement: "On Tuesday evening, May 16, the NYPD assisted the private security team protecting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

“There were numerous photographers that made their transport challenging. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries or arrests in regard.”

The taxi driver caught up in the pursuit described his ride with the royals.

“They were quite nice,” cabbie Sukcham Singh said. “They asked me my name, and I only gave them my nickname ‘Sonny,’ since my real name is hard.”

The 37-year-old recalled driving around looking for a fare when a man in a suit flagged him down.

Within seconds, Harry, his wife and his mother-in-law were inside with one of the prince’s security team taking to the front passenger seat.

Of the royals, Mr Singh said: “They were nervous.

“They were being chased the entire day.

"They were just about to tell me the location of where they wanted me to go but then all these paparazzi came out of nowhere, so they told me to drive.”

The driver, who has driven a yellow cab since 2019, said he circled the block before pulling over and then eventually dropping the royals back at the 19th Police Precinct.

He later received a call from New York City's Taxi and Limousine commissioner praising him for his efforts but modestly brushed aside the attention.

“I wasn’t shocked,” he said of his royal fare.

“I’ve had Keith Richards in my cab before. Driving around Manhattan, you pick up a lot of celebrities.”

As New York police officials played down the incident, saying they do not believe the chase was "near catastrophic" and described a "bit of a chaotic scene”, the cabbie said he “never felt in danger”.

Mr Singh added: “I don’t think I would call it a chase.

“I never felt like I was in danger. It wasn’t like a car chase in a movie. They were quiet and seemed scared, but it’s New York — it’s safe.”

The cabbie, 37, who moved to the US from India as a child, said he got the impression from the royals that they had been already pursued by paparazzi before entering his car.

After a few minutes, Mr Singh said, the security guard grew concerned about the photographers and asked him to return to the police station.

The guard thought they were too exposed and didn’t want their location shared more widely, he said.

The cab driver, later told The Associated Press that he instantly recognised his passengers when they scooted in. "They were following us the whole time," he said of the paparazzi, though he repeated that he wouldn't call it a chase.

Mr Singh was on 67th Street near an NYPD precinct when a security guard waved him down. Singh pulled the yellow taxi to the curb and in came Harry, Meghan and her mom.

"They had this look on their faces," he said. They were about to give their destination when a garbage truck blocked their path.

"All of a sudden paparazzi came out and started taking pictures," he said.

Instead, one of the royals told him to circle back to the precinct.

A video posted by TMZ showed the couple in a yellow cab stuck in traffic several blocks away from the ballroom, as photographers recorded them through the windows. The cab was being escorted by NYPD vehicles with flashing lights.

"They didn't say much," Singh said. "They just asked my name and then after that Harry said thanks and have a good day."

They paid $17 in fare - and left a generous tip.

"It was pretty good man," Singh said. "They gave me a $50."

"I mean, when I'm going around the block that's more than enough."

New York City Mayor Eric Adams expressed concern the public may have been put in harm's way and said two of his officers "could have been injured".

He said he has not received a full briefing about the incident yet but was especially concerned about reports after a statement from the couple’s spokesperson described: “multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD officers”.

“It’s clear that the press, the paparazzi, they want to get the right shot,” Mayor Adams said.

“But public safety must always be at the forefront.”

Adams said he was particularly concerned that “two of our officers could have been injured”.

He added: "The briefing I received, two of our officers could have been injured.

"New York City is different from a small town somewhere, you shouldn't be speeding anywhere, but this is a densely populated city.

"All of us, I don't think there is many of us who don't recall how his mum died. It would be horrific to lose an innocent bystander in something like this and for something to happen to [Harry and Meghan] as well.

"We have to be extremely responsible. I thought that was a bit reckless and irresponsible.

"I'm going to be briefed in-depth and to get the exact timeframe."

Mayor Adams seemed to question some of the details of the incident, adding: "I would find it hard to believe there was a two-hour high-speed chase....but we will find out the exact duration."

It comes after Meghan picked up the Ms Foundation’s Women of Vision Award, recognising her "global advocacy to empower and advocate on behalf of women and girls".

The ceremony honoured “game-changing” grantee partners and visionary leaders committed to the organisation’s mission of “advancing collective power and creating safe, just and equitable futures for women, girls, and gender-expansive people”.

Meghan was presented with the award by renowned journalist and feminist activist Gloria Steinem.

Her acceptance speech closed out the gala where she said: “It’s never too late to start.

“You can be the visionary of your own life… There is still so much work to be done.

“I am a woman who remains inspired and driven by this organisation,” she said, looking over Ms Steinem, who introduced her alongside current foundation chief executive Teresa Younger.

“It allowed me to recognise that part of my greater value and purpose in life was to advocate for those who felt unheard, to stand up to injustice, and to not be afraid of saying what is true and what is just and what is right.”

Ever since his mother, Princess Diana's death in August 1997, Harry has been haunted by how she too was once followed, and died in a car crash at age 36 after being chased by paparazzi in Paris.

Harry, who was 12-years-old when Princess Diana died, explained in his "Spare" memoir he wanted “go through the tunnel” at precisely “65 miles per hour” after his mum died in a crash crash in Paris in 1997.

He wrote: “The exact speed Mummy’s car had supposedly been driving, according to police, at the time of the crash. "Not 120 miles per hour, as the press originally reported."

In 2019's ITV documentary "Harry & Meghan: An African Journey," the royal told how he thinks of his mother every time a camera flashes.

"Being part of this family, in this role, in this job, every single time I see a camera, every single time I hear a click, every single time I see a flash, it takes me straight back," he said.

He added, "So in that respect, it's the worst reminder of her life, as opposed to the best."

Meghan has made no secret about her relationship with photographers hinting it was one of the reasons why the couple left the UK to raise their children.

The Duchess told The Cut magazine last September that if her son Archie attended school in London, she would “never be able” to drop him off or pick him up without it being “a Press pen of 40 people snapping pictures”.

He said while driving through the tunnel it allowed him to gain closure, but also brought on an immense feeling of pain.

Harry wrote: “She’s dead, I thought: ‘My God, she’s really gone for good,’” he continued. “I got the closure I was pretending to seek. I got it in spades.

"And now I’d never be able to get rid of it. I’d thought driving the tunnel would bring an end, or brief cessation, to the pain, the decade of unrelenting pain. Instead it brought on the start of Pain, Part Deux."

The incident has taken place while Harry attempts to bring a second legal challenge against the Home Office over his security arrangements when in the UK.

Harry is seeking the go-ahead from the High Court to secure a judicial review over a decision that he should not be allowed to pay privately for his protective security.